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Board of Selectmen Minutes 06/14/2014
JUNE 17, 2014

Present: Michael Kennedy, Larry Mandell
Absent: Lynn Arnold
Kennedy called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM

Since the Board typically reorganizes after the Town Election, but Lynn Arnold was not present, that would be handled at the next meeting.  Until that meeting Michael Kennedy would be Acting Chairman of the Board of Selectmen.





National Grid Pole Hearing

Rich Noleski from National Grid explained how a pole was needed to be installed on North Wales Road since the existing pole had wires grown into a tree.  

MOTION 06172014-1: To accept the proposed National Grid pole on North Wales Road.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell
VOTE: ALL in favor



Kennedy stated he would like to thank Jim Wettlaufer for his service to the Town and welcome new member Larry Mandell to the Select Board.  Mandell also thanked Wettlaufer for his service to the town and looks forward to serving the community and plans on having an open line of communication with the residents.    

Vehicle Use Policy

Department heads from Police, Fire and Highway had raised some concerns about the Vehicle Policy.  Concerns included tracking in town miles, which the Board changed to “out of town use” the miles needed to be tracked.  Other concerns were the policy stated the highway department was responsible for tracking all departments fuel usage.  Highway, Fire and Police are currently all responsible for tracking their own fuel usage.  The Highway Department does not want to take on tracking fuel for all departments and the other departments agree they will track their own fuel usage and the Select Board agreed to the change.


Annual Appointments

Various boards, committees and departments have to do their annual appointments for members whose terms are expiring.

--Recreation Committee

MOTION 061732014-2: To appoint Erik Iller, Jen Iller, Erin Carson and for a one year term expiring June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell
VOTE: ALL in favor

--Police Department

The Board of Selectmen does not appoint the members of the Police Department since the department is run by a strong chief.  Members of the Holland Police Department for FY15 are Stewart Swain, Raymond Morehouse, Charles Reardon, Jordan Manthorne, Paul Guerin, Kenneth Lindsey, Erik Bishop, Anastasios Karamanakis, Dennis Reardon and Angel Ramos

MOTION 06172014-3: To appoint Brenda Palmer as the Kitchen Manager at the Community Center for a one year term expiring June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell
VOTE: ALL in favor

Paul Bak Community Center Coordinator’s appointment was tabled by Kennedy.

Deb Tierney Outreach Worker’s appointment was tabled by Mandell.

MOTION 06172014-4: To appoint Wendy LeSage as Animal Control Officer, Bob Garon as Electrical Inspector, Dawn Cass-Evans to the Memorial Day Committee, George Wolstencroft as Plumbing Inspector, and Jack Keough as Zoning Enforcement Officer for one year terms expiring on June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
VOTE: ALL in favor

MOTION 06172014-5:To appoint Patricia Caron, Dorothy Croke, Mary Veber, Linda Denis as Poll Workers for a one year term expiring June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
VOTE: ALL in favor

MOTION 06172014-6: To appoint Sarto Caron as Poll Warden for a one year term expiring June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
VOTE: ALL in favor

MOTION 06172014-7:To appoint Patricia Caron, Dorothy Croke, Mary Veber, Linda Denis as Poll Workers for a one year term expiring June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
VOTE: ALL in favor

MOTION 06172014-8: To appoint Alice Hunt, Kristin LaPlante, Patricia Ochs, and Sharon Ashleigh as Registrars for a one year term expiring June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
VOTE: ALL in favor

MOTION 06172014-9:To appoint Christine Haller, Cindy Clark, Frances Gallo, and Tina Rootes-Hunter to the Council on Aging for two year terms expiring June 30, 2016.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
VOTE: ALL in favor

MOTION 06172014-10:To appoint Richard Haller, Christine Haller, Stacy Riley, Jackie Proko and Fred Beaulieu to the Trails Committee for a one year term expiring June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
VOTE: ALL in favor

MOTION 06172014-11: To appoint Greg Abdella to the Conservation Commission for a one year term expiring June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
VOTE: ALL in favor
MOTION 06172014-12: To appoint Judy Livernois to the Cable Commission for a for a one year term expiring June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
VOTE: ALL in favor

MOTION 06172014-13:To appoint Shelby Bauman, Kyle Ashleigh, Susan Sanders to the Cable Commission for a one year term expiring June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Planning Board Appointment

Larry Mandell resigned from Planning Board since he became a member of the Board of Selectmen.  He is recommending Lynn Arnold to fill his vacancy until the next election since Lynn has so much experience and there is a new Chairman of the Planning Board.  

Kennedy stated he does not agree with the appointment.  The voters just voted Arnold off the Planning Board and he will listen to the voters.  He feels it is a violation of the law to appoint a select board member to another board and there is a “cooling off” period that is recommended once an elected official leaves a position.

MOTION 06172014-14: To accept the Planning Board recommendation to appoint Lynn Arnold to Larry Mandell vacancy for a one year term until the next election.  
VOTE: Kennedy: NO, Mandell: YES

Kennedy stated would like to see the vacancy of the Planning Board posted for thirty days to give other interested residents an opportunity to serve on the board.

Additional Appointments

MOTION 06172014-15:To appoint Angelina Casavant, Brandon Merriam, Jennifer Livernois, Tyrus Boudreau and Benjamin Merriam to the Cable Commission  for a one year term expiring June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Discharge of Liens

PVPC has asked the Board to sign two Discharges of Liens from the CDBG program.  

MOTION 06172014-16: To sign the two Discharge of Liens.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Community Choice Aggregation

During the Annual Town Meeting, the town voted to accept Hampshire Council of Governments (HCOG) proposal for Community Choice Aggregation which allows the residents of the town to purchase electricity at lower rate through HCOG.

MOTION 06172014-17: To sign the HCOG Agreement for Community Choice Aggregation.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
VOTE: ALL in favor


The town was awarded green community money from the state to do various efficiency improvements to public buildings.  The town has done upgrades at the Holland Elementary School and has spent the balance of the money.  But before the town receives the entire portion of the money awarded, various steps must be taken as stated by the state, including an inspection done by the DOER.  Since all of the steps have not been met, the town must borrow money to pay for the work, and then will be reimbursed from the state

MOTION 06172014-17: To sign the SAAN Loan for $71,625.00.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
VOTE: ALL in favor




Warrants in the amounts of $28,745.09– Payroll and $69,617.59– Vendor were signed and delivered to the Treasurer

Motion 06032014-14: To adjourn the meeting at 7:46 PM.  Motion made by Kennedy, seconded by Mandell.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Respectfully Submitted,

Amy Bishop
Executive Secretary