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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04/01/2014
APRIL 1, 2014

Present: James Wettlaufer, Michael Kennedy, Lynn Arnold
Wettlaufer called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM


MOTION 04012014-1:       To accept the March 18, 2014 minutes, as amended.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Arnold.
VOTE: ALL in favor



Kerri Lee – Olde Home Day

Kerri Lee of Holland is interested in starting an Olde Home Day Committee.  She has an EIN number and has applied for a 501c3 nonprofit status.  She was looking to get the okay from the town to start planning the event.  Wettlaufer stated he thought planning the event was a good idea, but the town cannot have anything to do with fundraising.  Lee was aware of that and she was looking for the okay to have the event and to get more volunteers.  Wettlaufer stated he would talk to Town Counsel to see what the town can and can’t do for the event.  

Aqua Riders

During the last meeting the request of the Aqua Riders was discussed but no decision was made.  The Board asked anyone to contact the Executive Secretary if there were any further concerns about the Aqua Riders or their request.  No one had called with any additional concerns.  

MOTION 04012014-2 To approve the requested schedule of the Holland Aqua Riders for the 2014 ski season.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Kennedy.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Vehicle Policy

Wettlaufer explained Town Counsel has been creating a vehicle policy for the town, but has not come up with one that the town, the Ethics Commission and Town Counsel have all agreed upon.   


Assistant Assessor/Principal Assessor

The Board of Assessors promoted JoAnne Higgins, Assistant Assessor to Principal Assessor.  The Assessor submitted an explanation of the FY15 budget, which will remain level funded and various job descriptions of Principal Assessors.  Arnold pointed out that although it appears Higgins is getting a substantial pay increase, but the fees she was already receiving for conducting cyclical inspections has been moved into her salary.  This way, with her fees as part of her salary, it goes towards her retirement.  

Animal Inspector

The Department of Agricultural Resources required the town to appoint an Animal Inspector every year.  Jaime Howard the current Animal Inspector has agreed to continue to be the Inspector for the upcoming year.  Animal Inspectors are responsible for doing barn inspections, quarantining dogs, and submitting potential rabid animals to be tested.

MOTION: 04012014-3 To appoint Jaime Howard as Animal Inspector for a one year term staring May 1, 2014 and expiring April 30, 2015.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Kennedy.
VOTE: ALL in favor

BAN Loan

The Treasurer is asking the Select Board to sign a BAN renewal loan for the Circle H Land in the amount of $117,500.00 at an interest rate of 0.58%.

MOTION 04012014-4 To sign the BAN loan for $117,500.00 for the Circle H property.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Kennedy.
VOTE: ALL in favor

Caucus Notice

The Town Clerk has asked the Select Board to sign the Notice of Caucus for April 15, 2014 at 8:00 PM.  No vote is necessary since the Board is required to sign the notice.  All Three board members signed the notice.


The Holland Police Department is hosting a Luncheon at the Community Center on April 10, 2014 at noon.  Some of the officers will be serving food and various topics will be discussed during lunch.  


Warrants in the amounts of $$76,629.08– Payroll and $251,459.09 – Vendor were signed and delivered to the Treasurer

Motion 04012014-5: To adjourn the meeting at 7:31 PM.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Kennedy.
VOTE: All in favor

Respectfully Submitted,

Amy Bishop
Executive Secretary