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Board of Selectmen Minutes 03/18/2014
MARCH 18, 2014

Present: James Wettlaufer, Michael Kennedy, Lynn Arnold
Wettlaufer called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM


MOTION 03182014-1:       To accept the February 4, 2014 minutes.  Motion made by Arnold, seconded by Kennedy.
VOTE: ALL in favor



Pete Applegate – Code Red

Code Red is a way to contact citizens for various things, including emergencies, town meeting, etc.  It is a potential replacement for Reverse 911.  Code Red has various options to receive alerts including email, texts, and phone calls.  The town can determine what type of information is transmitted and who has access to send the alerts.  
Additional information was provided on handouts and information can also be obtained at the Code Red website  

Annual cost for a license is $2,850 with a three year commitment, for unlimited use.  Code Red has had a 100% renewal rate with their customers and once you become a customer, the price remains the same.   

Wettlaufer stated this was something that would need to be included in the town’s budget for the next fiscal year.  Currently there were no funds for the remainder of this fiscal year.  Kennedy stated there were available funds to pay for Code Red in the Emergency Managements line item.  

Wettlaufer asked if the town could have a trial run until the next fiscal year, if they committed to signing the contact.   Applegate stated he would have to look into that.

Motion 03182014-2: To have Code Red prepare a final proposal for the town.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Kennedy
VOTE: ALL in favor

Police Chief Contract

Police Chief Bryan Haughey singed a three year contract with the Town, provided the salary passes at the Annual Town Meeting.  One change that was made to the contract was the Chief is required to move within fifteen miles of Holland before December 31, 2014

Council on Aging Appointment

Chris Haller, COA Chair submitted a request to the Board appoint Christina M. Rootes-Hunter to alternate position of the COA.  The position is currently vacant.  

MOTION 03182014-3: To appoint Christina M. Rootes-Hunter to the Council on Aging as an alternate member for a term ending June 30, 2015.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Arnold.
VOTE: ALL in favor


Recreation Committee – Baseball

Bryson Perri, member of the Recreation Committee and baseball organizer was present to discuss what the intentions of the baseball committee were.  He stated they were not going to run the money through the town and the insurance will be provided through Little League.  He submitted a list of improvements and work they planned on doing at the field.  Chair of the Recreation Committee Erik Iller stated he or anyone else on Rec had not seen the list of improvements planned by the baseball committee. It was determined the list should go through the Recreation Committee first, and then the approved changes/improvements made by the Recreation Committee should be submitted to the Board of Selectmen for final approval.   It was also stated advertisement signs for any businesses were not allowed on the field at all per the zoning bylaws.  The Board also urged the baseball committee that they should have a disclaimer on their forms that they are not a town sponsored sport.  

Aqua Riders

Gary Naples, of the Holland Aqua Riders was present to address the upcoming season’s schedule.  They plan on beginning their practices Saturday May 10th at 9 AM to Noon.  The Aqua Riders are also planning to practice for their competition in July on Friday nights from 6:00 PM to dusk, and this year they are also asking to practice Wednesday nights 6:00 PM to dusk.  

Concerns from residents including Rich Polvari using a large area of the lake on Fridays when seasonal residents want to get on their boats after the week and are told they can’t use part of the lake because the Aqua Riders are practicing.  Chris McCooe raised the concern that people who are not members of the Aqua Riders were using the jump.

He was also told advertisement signs for other businesses were not allowed at the beach where Aqua Riders practice.

The Select Board decided to follow up this discussion at their next meeting.  This way, any other residents that may have questions or concerns could contact the Town Hall.    

Hazard Mitigation Plan                  

A new Hazard Mitigation Plan was prepared by JoAnne Higgins, Highway Clerk as required by MEMA and FEMA to apply and receive various grants.   The Board had been given the plan previously to review.  

Motion 03182014-4: To accept the Hazard Mitigation Plan as prepared.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded Kennedy.
VOTE: ALL in favor




Warrants in the amounts of $75,147.82– Payroll and $107,999.56 – Vendor were signed and delivered to the Treasurer

Wettlaufer stated there several members from the Wales and Brimfield Select Boards and Fire Departments at the meeting.  A Tri-town meeting was scheduled following the Select Board meeting to discuss Brimfield Ambulance.  The meeting will not be re-opened following the Tri-town meeting.

Motion 03182014-5: To adjourn the meeting at 7:42 PM.  Motion made by Wettlaufer, seconded by Kennedy.
VOTE: All in favor

Respectfully Submitted,

Amy Bishop
Executive Secretary