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.Assessors' Agenda 10/14/2014
                                     .ASSESSORS’ MEETING AGENDA

Meeting Date: October 14, 2014           6:00 P.M.              

Minutes of meeting held September 23, 2014
Monthly list of MV Excise Abatements Granted in September Levy of 2014 $150.63
Exemption Applications

Discussion / Review:
        Tax Classification Hearing was held Oct 7th, FY15 Tax Rate is 16.23 an increase of            
               .32 or less than 2 ½ %
         Chapter 61, 61A and 61B applications
        Exemption applications
        Appellate Tax Board Petition Pursuant M.G.L. C.59, S 65C
Budget Planning FY16

Copy of Open Meeting Law Complaint 1/27/2013 as it pertains to re-opening an  
    adjourned meeting
Memo regarding budgets and revolving accounts, this office has a general ledger on excel  
    Spread sheet to track all expenditures

Any other issue that comes before the Board

The items listed which may be discussed at the meeting are those reasonably anticipated by the chair. Not all items listed may in fact be discussed and other items not listed may also be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law.
Next scheduled meeting Tuesday October 28, 2014 6:00 P.M.