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C.B. BLAIR DEVELOPMENT CORP.                                                       CASE NO. V 1314  

The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on January 9, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in Memorial Hall in the Town Hall, 1196 Main Street, Holden, MA  on the Petition of C.B. Blair Development Corporation for property located on Union Street, Map 132, Parcel 100 for a VARIANCE from minimum lot area requirements.

Members in attendance:  R. Spakauskas, S. Annunziata, R. Fraser, F. Lonardo and R. Butler.  

The Chairman called the meeting to order.  Attorney George Kiritsy, representing the applicant, addressed the Board.  The hardship is the slope and shape of the lot and Mr. Blair is asking for the lot size requirement to be reduced from 30,000 square feet to 18,000 square feet.  The inter-section at Highland Street will be reconfigured.  The premises will be divided into four lots.  Lot 4A will be retained by the petitioner for which the variance is requested.  Lots 4B, 4C and 4D will be conveyed to the Town of Holden for highway and utility purposes.

F. Lonardo asked that a change be made to the Finding of Fact   Question 1 (a) second paragraph should reflect the addition of Lot 4D.  The applicant agreed this should be changed.  Mr. Lonardo also asked if the road would need to be accepted at Town Meeting; it was answered yes.  He also asked why this is being separated into three lots. Atty. Kiritsy said Lot 4C has the electric and Lots B, C and D will go to the Town.

R. Fraser asked for clarification regarding the traffic flow.  Atty. Kiritsy indicated on the plan where the intersection will be reconfigured with a 90 degree, T-Intersection from Union Street onto Highland Street.  North of the new intersection, Union Street will be one way (South) and all traffic from Union Street will be directed through the new T-Intersection.

Tom Runstrom, 29 High Ridge Road, asked if there would be a traffic light installed; it was answered no.  Mr. Runstrom commented that this would only create a severe traffic jam.  Clealand Blair, Jr. said that the Planning Board required these improvements as a condition of approval for the Definitive Subdivision Plan for Greenwood Estates II.

Phil Galvin, 284 Highland Street,  opposed the granting of this variance.  When he bought his house 3 years ago, he was told that once the intersection was put in, this would be an un-buildable lot.  

C.B. BLAIR DEVELOPMENT CORP.                                                  CASE NO. V 1314   

Since there were no further questions or comments, the public hearing was closed at 8:40 p.m.

In summation, Atty. Kiritsy added that the applicant needs this variance in order to convey the land to the Town.  

The Board voted unanimously to approve the variance with the following condition:  1)  Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for Parcel A, all road work must be done with the approval of the Department of Public Works as specified on the plan submitted and accepted by the Zoning Board of Appeals.  This plan is titled Offsite Improvements Greenwood II dated January 29, 2008, Revision #1 February 265, 2008 on Sheet 1 of 4.

                                                        Ronald E. Spakauskas, Chairman