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MARK & TERRY CASAMASINA                                                   CASE NO. V 1204

The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on June 21, 2012 at 7:30 p.m. in the Selectman’s Room at the Starbard Building, 1204 Main Street, Holden, MA on the Petition of Mark & Terry Casamasina for property located at 11 Birch Avenue for a VARIANCE for relief from zoning requirements in order to add a second story to the existing home.

Members in attendance:  R. Spakauskas, S. Annunziata, R. Fraser, J. Deignan and R. Butler.

The Chairman called the meeting to order.  Since there were no objections, the reading of the application and findings of fact was waived.

Mr. Donald Ellsworth, representing the applicants, addressed the Board.  He explained that the Casamasinas would like to add to their family, but the rooms in the house are too small.  The house was built prior to the enactment of the Holden Zoning Bylaws.  Therefore, it is considered a pre-existing, non-conforming structure and does not meet the lot area or required setbacks.

The Board asked the Building Commissioner, Dennis Lipka, who was in attendance, to confirm the dimensions of the addition.                

It was noted that the garage is also non-conforming.  However, the Board agreed to act only on the variance request for the addition to the house.

J. Deignan asked if the house would become any closer to the front; it was answered no.

Since there were no further comments or questions, the public hearing was closed at 7:45 p.m.

The Board unanimously voted to approve the variance with the following conditions:  1)  Variance was granted for the house only and 2)  The Board accepted the plan submitted by Land Planning, Inc. dated May 1, 2012 and entitled “Proposed 2nd Floor Addition Located at 11 Birch Avenue, Holden, Massachusetts”.

                                                Ronald E. Spakauskas, Chairman