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Caryn McCrohon & Susan McCrohon                                                Case No. SP1110

The Zoning Administrator held a public hearing on November 23, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. in Memorial Hall of the Town Hall, 1196 Main Street, Holden, MA on the Application of Caryn McCrohon and Susan McCrohon for property located at 33 Shady Lane for a Special Permit to allow construction of an accessory apartment.

Pamela Harding, Zoning Administrator, called the hearing to order and read the public hearing notice for the record.  A letter from the Assistant Fire Chief was also read into the record.

Mr. Gary Dewolfe, the builder for the applicant, explained that the accessory apartment is for the mother of the owner and it will be 540 square feet.

P. Harding explained the Accessory Apartment Zoning Bylaw for the public in attendance.  She explained that such units must be occupied only by persons related by blood or marriage to the owner of the one-family dwelling.  

Anabela Pereira, 31 Shady Lane, objected to the issuance of this special permit because she felt that this would take away from the character of the neighborhood.  After the relative moves out, she asked if it could become rental property. The Zoning Administrator said no; the permit only allows the relative specified in the application to live in the accessory apartment.

A resident at 12 Shady Lane, asked if the home was sold, would the same permit apply.  It was answered that it would automatically terminate.

Christopher Chabot, 24 Snowberry Lane, also spoke in opposition of granting this permit.  He asked what the procedure would be if the new owner also wished to utilize that apartment.  It was explained that a new owner would have to go through the same process with a public hearing with the Zoning Administrator.

Letters were submitted for the record from abutters at 16 Shady Lane and 34 Shady Lane, both in opposition.

 Caryn M. McCrohon & Susan A. McCrohon                                                   Case No. SP 1110

The applicant, Caryn McCrohon, said there will only be herself and her mother living in the home.

Since there were no further comments or questions, the public hearing was officially closed at 9:20 a.m.

After fully reviewing the case, the Zoning Administrator granted the special permit with the fol-lowing conditions:  1)  The occupant of the accessory apartment is restricted to Susan A. McCrohon, the mother of the owner of the single family home;  2)  The Declaration of Covenants must be recorded prior to an occupancy permit being issued;  3)  The applicant must adhere to the Assistant Fire Chief’s letter in which he stated that smoke and carbon monoxide detectors within the accessory apartment shall be interconnected with the rest of the main structure.  So when a detector activates in either unit it shall notify the occupant in the other unit.

                                                                                                                                                                         ____________________________                                                                    Pamela Harding
                                                                Zoning Administrator