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Hearing (Mulry) January 29, 2009
Stephen Mulry                            Case No.V 0812

The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on January 29, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall, 1196 Main Street, Holden, MA on the Application of Stephen Mulry for property located at 31 Marlen Road for a Variance for relief from side setback requirements for the construction of a garage.

Members of the Board in attendance:  Ronald Spakauskas, Roy Fraser, Fred Lonardo and James Deignan.

The Chairman called the meeting to order.  Since there were no objections, the reading of the legal notice and list of abutters was waived.  The Chairman read the application.

The applicant addressed the Board and gave an overview of his case.  He is seeking a variance to allow for a 6.1” side yard setback for the construction of a garage in the R-2 zoning district, which requires a 15 ft. side yard setback.

F. Lonardo asked Mr. Mulry why there were no building plans submitted with the filing and why there were no plans available tonight for the Board to review.  He did not want to spend a con-siderable amount of money having plans prepared if his case was denied.

R. Spakauskas asked the location of the present driveway and asked for confirmation that there would only be one.  He also asked the location of the shed; the shed will be removed.  Mr. Spakauskas commented on the large size of the rear of the proposed garage and asked if Mr. Mulry had any plans to work on vehicles or if this area was for storage.  Mr. Mulry said it would be for storage only.  

Mr. Reginald Judson, 23 Marlen Road and Mr. Daniel Hazen, 30 Marlen Road, spoke in favor of granting this variance.  Since there were no further comments or questions, the public hearing was officially closed at 7:45 p.m.

The Board voted unanimously to grant the variance with the following conditions:  1) The present driveway must be relocated to the garage side;  2) Eliminate a shed;  3) The rear of the garage shall be for storage only;  and 4)  The southeast corner must be staked 6 ft. 1”+/- one ft. by a certified registered land surveyor.

Ronald E. Spakauskas, Chairman