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Hearing (Kwasniewski) September 11, 2008
Olga Kwasniewski                                                                                                              Case No. SP 0809
The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on September 11, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall, 1196 Main Street on the Application of Olga Kwasniewski for property located at 456 Main Street for a Special Permit to allow a restaurant with 54 seats in a commercial building.

Members of the Board in attendance:  Ronald Spakauskas, Silvio Annunziata, Fred Lonardo and James Deignan.

The Chairman called the hearing to order.  Since there were no objections, reading of the legal notice and list of abutters was waived.  The secretary read the Application and Findings of Fact.       

The applicant addressed the Board.  She explained that the restaurant will have Asian cuisine.  She intends to have prices that will be comparable to other casual dining restaurants.  It will be open seven days a week and should appeal to a varied clientele.  75% of the space will be for the restaurant and the other 25% will be for take-out sales.

F. Lonardo asked if there would be a separate bar.  There will be a small waiting and bar with four or five stools.                            

R. Spakauskas asked about overflow parking.  An agreement has been made with Jed’s Hardware store who will handle the overflow.

Dennis Lipka, Building Commissioner, commented that this application has been reviewed by the Planning Board through the Site Plan Review Special Permit process and parking concerns were addressed at that time, as well as tree planting in the area.

F. Lonardo asked about signage.  There will be a 6’ x 2’ sign on the building; the front door does not face Main Street.  S. Annunziata asked if the sign would be lit; it was answered yes.

Bonnie Moran, 53 Wachusett Street expressed concerns with lighting, trash removal and ventilation.

D. Lipka said the pole light in the far corner of the property will be off when the restaurant is closed.  The security lights are on all night and the lights on the back of the building are motion sensored.  

A spokesman for Cardinal Realty Trust, owner of the property, said that there is already trash removal being done for the other businesses at the same location; a commercial trash truck picks up trash twice a week, and the dumpster is located in the back, enclosed with a chain link fence.

D. Lipka addressed the concern regarding ventilation.  The ventilation would be no higher than two feet more from the peak of the roof.  The amount of air going through this system is modest.

R. Spakauskas asked D. Lipka the estimated distance from the restaurant to Ms. Moran’s home; he estimated approximately 500 feet.

Since there were no further comments or questions, the public hearing was officially closed at 7:45 p.m.

The Board voted unanimously to approve the special permit with the condition 1)  Subject to a one (1) year review by the Building Commissioner from the date the occupancy permit is issued.   

Ronald E. Spakauskas, Chairman