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Hearing (Harvey) May 15, 2008

Neil & Mary Harvey               Case No. V 0806
The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on Thursday, May 15, 2008 at 7:45 p.m. in Memorial Hall, 1196 Main Street, Holden, MA on the Petition of Neil and Mary Harvey for property located at 32 Holly Circle for a VARIANCE for relief from rear setback requirements to allow for the construction of an inground pool.

Members of the Board in attendance:  Ronald Spakauskas, Ronald Oslebo, Roy Fraser, Fred Lonardo and James Deignan.   

The Chairman called the hearing to order.  Since there were no objections, reading of the legal notice and list of abutters was waived.  The secretary read the application, Findings of Fact and one letter from Robert & Hilary Schaffer, 24 Holly Circle, in support of granting this variance.

Attorney Brian Forts, representing the applicant, indicated that the rear area is common land and, therefore, would have no negative impact.  R. Spakauskas confirmed the fact that the area is common land with the Fox Hill Neighborhood Association.

F. Lonardo asked for confirmation that a fence will be on the side of the pool which only leaves 7.5 feet from the lot line.  It was answered yes.

David Rizk, 36 Holly Circle, an abutter to the side of the property, expressed his support in granting this variance.  Marc Felicio, 14 Holly Circle, also expressed his support.

Since there were no further comments or questions, the public hearing was officially closed at 8:00 p.m.

The Zoning Board unanimously approved the variance with the restriction that 1)  The westerly side must be staked by a registered land surveyor to insure that the pool is no closer than seven (7) feet to the rear lot line.

Ronald E. Spakauskas, Chairman