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Hearing (Woodmeister) February 15, 2007

Woodmeister Master Builders                                                              Case No. V 0701
The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on February 15, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall, 1196 Main Street, Holden, MA on the Petition of Woodmeister Master Builders for property located at One Woodmeister Way for a Variance for relief from signage requirements.

Members of the Board in attendance:  Ronald Spakauskas, Ronald Oslebo, Jack LaPrade and Roy Fraser.

The Chairman called the hearing to order.  Since there was no one from the public in attendance, R. Fraser made a motion to waive all readings by the secretary, which included the legal notice, list of the abutters, Application and Findings of Fact.  R. Oslebo seconded.  Vote 4-0, motion approved.

Christine Komenda, Marketing Manager for Woodmeister Master Builders addressed the Board.  The business is located at the end of Industrial Drive and the applicant is requesting two signs which would be larger than what is limited by the sign bylaw.  One sign would be 4.5’ x 8.5’ located at the beginning of the driveway.  The other would be 6.5’ x 6’ located at the entrance to the parking lot of the Woodmeister facility.  A plan was submitted indicating their location.  Ms. Komenda further explained these would be made out of wood and show the company’s craftsmanship.

R. Spakauskas indicated for the record, that the plan submitted shows a 6.5’ x 6’ sign at the entrance to the parking lot and a 4.5’ x 8.5’ sign at the Industrial Drive cul-de-sac at the Woodmeister driveway.

Ms. Komenda asked the Board if the sign could be moved to the other side of the street because of snow-plowing.  R. Spakauskas said the applicant would need to ensure that it didn’t interfere with the utility easement in that area.

R. Oslebo asked the current footage back from the street; it was answered between 20 – 25 feet back from the circle.

Since there were no further comments or questions, the public hearing was officially closed at 7:20 p.m.

The Board voted unanimously to approve the variance request.

Ronald E. Spakauskas, Chairman