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Hearing (Winterberry Hollow) December 20, 2007

Winterberry Hollow, LLC                                                                               Case No. 40B0107

The Zoning Board of Appeals held a continued public hearing on December 20, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in Memorial Hall, 1196 Main Street, Holden, MA on the Application of Winterberry Hollow, LLC for an affordable housing Chapter 40B Comprehensive Permit referred to as Winterberry Hollow.

Members of the Board in attendance: Ronald Spakauskas, Roy Fraser, Fred Lonardo, J. Deignan and Ronald Oslebo.

Ronald Spakauskas called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.

The project driveway on Salisbury Street intersection was discussed.  The applicants Attorney, Mark Donahue said the intersection complies with the Town Subdivision Control Regulations.  The Applicants traffic engineer William Scully, whole heartedly disagreed with safety issues raised in Nitsch peer review traffic report.  W. Scully noted that MassHighway accepts a 10' turning radius encroachment.

A bus stop design at the Newell Road entrance was discussed. The area should be cleared and a loop should be provided.

Trees may have to removed, or select trimming may be required, along Salisbury Street to improve site distance. W. Scully stated that the turning radius of Holden's Fire truck was not tested at the site drive. A 30' truck will encroach into Salisbury Street.

R. Oslebo suggested the applicant have a meeting with the Fire Department and Nitsch Engineering to identify site distance and turning radius issues.

Trash dumpsters, mail kiosks should be noted. M. Donahue stated that the mail kiosks will be located in the club house.

Need the number and approximate location of dumpsters.

R. Fraser stated the applicant should discuss sign pavement markings at the meeting with the Fire Department and Nitsch Engineering.  Newell Road and Winter Hill Street improvements were suggested as offsite mitigation in the Nitsch report, the applicant stated it was an existing problem the Town should rectify.  The development will add significant traffic to the intersection and the applicant should be responsible for improvements. Trees that are required to be removed and/or trimmed to improve site distance should be identified.

It was requested the applicant contact the school department to identify what entrance will be utilized by buses for children pick-up.

Tom Reardson, Applicant architecture review the proposed architectural plans. Buffering in the rear of Building 1 and 2 was presented, abutting 71 Cranbrook Drive area.  A vinyl fencing along 700 Salisbury Street was also discussed. Site lighting, scale details and length of building were discussed. The buildings will be approximately 45-46 feet in height.

The applicant stated they were amenable to varying the siding to improve the residential appearance.

The Applicants Engineer, R. Weidknecht from Beals and Thomas reviewed the relocation of the main driveway, a rip rapped wall with a one to one slope will avoid a wetland and vernal pool crossing. Detention basin two was also modified and shifted away from the wetland.

The pro forma will be discussed at the January 10, 2008. Karl Makella 60 Newell Road asked how many of the 1,400 generated trips from the development will utilize Newell Road.

A motion was made to continue the meeting to January 9 all were in favor.

The Board voted unanimously to continue this public hearing until January 9, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.

Ronald E. Spakauskas, Chairman