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Holden Water and Sewer Advisory Board Meeting
June 23, 2011

Attendees Present: Water Sewer Advisory Board-

  Scott Carlson, John Michalak, Joe Pridutkas

Others Present:
Marlene Whipple- Recording Secretary
Jim Zingarelli – Assistant Director
Pam Harding – Planning & Conservation
Eugene Stirchak-Potential Member

  Absent: Brian Forts

  • Approval of March 24th Minutes- No vote due to lack of members present that were at the March 24th meeting.                                             
  • Opening Remarks. Scott Carlson stated that Pam Harding would explain her potential build-out in the sewered areas. This would help the committee        to better understand the impact on sewer capacity.              
  • Public Address- None                                                                    
  • Discuss Board of Selectmen Meeting (3-2 in favor) Approve Alternate No. 4- Fixed Cost Fixed Fee Rate- No Comment                      
  • Pam Harding – Holden Planning & Conservation to discuss build-out and open-space in Town of Holden      Phased Growth Restrictions.  There was a ruling issued in 2004 by the Superior Court which ruled phased growth bylaws.  If a Town, for any reason limits permits it must be for a specified time frame while the issue for limiting permits is being studied and a resolution to this issue is being determined.  Permits cannot be restricted for limitless periods of time.  If the Town were to choose to issue a moratorium or restriction of building permits to address sewer capacity issues the restrictions could not prevent development from utilizing private sewers.                        Pam presented all members with a memo to Jim Shuris dated December 1, 2010. In the memo Pam did an analysis on Sewer Capacity Build-out along with a list of Potential New Units in Sewered Areas (see attached). The board asked if the potential build-out included accepted subdivisions? Pam answered No, this capacity is already in the reserved that Jim Zingarelli presented along with existing laterals in sewered area. Pam also noted that this was very approximate.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  • Jim Zingarelli to discuss the sewer capacity- Jim went over updated charts on 22-Month average sewer flows and accompanying data sheet (see attached) also a chart of Average Daily Billed Water (see attached) and accompanying data sheet.                                                                                            
  • Discussion to begin on sewer capacity options-and to move forward to begin policy options. The committee conducted an open discussion of several subjects regarding how they impact sewer capacity. Subjects discussed were Build Out, Sewer Extension Permits, Inflow and Infiltration, 208 gallon per day per household, DCR repairs in Worcester and future discussions with DCR and Worcester to increase sewer capacity allocation. No conclusions were made, committee agreed to discuss further at the next meeting.                     
  • Discuss ongoing projects and status – Mason Well is back on line as of June 8, 2011. Cross Connection Survey is almost complete. Fire Hydrant painting is seventy-five percent complete.                                        
  • Water breaks, leaks and other issues. See Attached                             
  • Budget status update as of the End of May 2011 and projections for year-end. - Water Consumption for May is 7.84% lower than May 2010. However water consumption is 5.57 higher than last calendar year- to- date. Worcester Water for May is 33.33% less than May 2010 and 71.48% ahead of last calendar year-to-date. Sewer Consumption for May was 2.23% lower than May 2010 and 2.41 ahead of last calendar year-to-date. MWRA Transport for May was 27.1% higher than May 2010 and 11.24% lower than last calendar year-to-date.  Water Sewer revenue and Expense Balance Sheet indicates a positive ending balance of $232.736.68. This ending balance is $277,623 higher than the End of May 2010 at $44,886.84. Utilizing CDM’s FY-  2011 Mid – Year Projections  by using the  most recent revenue/expense data -the projected End of FY 2011 balance now results in surplus of $176,666 and the 5th quarter reserve which is expected to be paid.                                                                           
  • Schedule next meeting – End of August 2011                                      
  • Other business – None                                                                           
  • Motion to adjourn- Motion accepted