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Holden Water and Sewer Advisory Board Meeting
February 17, 2011
Attendees Present:

Water Sewer Advisory Board Members - Scott Carlson, Brian Forts, John Michalak, Joe Pridotkas, Ken Lipka, and Anthony Renzoni

Others Present:

James Shuris – Director of Public Works
James Zingarelli - Town Engineer

Recording Secretary:
Dan Hazen

Audience Attendees:

  • Accept Meeting Minutes
Scott Carlson made a motion to accept the November 17, 2010 Water Sewer Advisory Board Minutes. Motion was made and accepted by all.  

  • Public Address:

  • Budget Update:  
Jim Shuris stated the midyear increase of $400,000 from DOR was never intended to be end of year but was intended to add to the revenue. Ending balance of $273,000. Consumption is up 10% from last January, 8% more using a 12-month rolling average. Using more Worcester water due to a dry summer as well as wells and tanks being down. Spring Street will be back on line.  Sewer consumption is 4% more 12 month rolling and 10% more than last January.  MWRA transport fee is 16% lower January to January and 1% lower 12 month rolling.  I&I went from 41% to 38% year to year.  
Met with CFO and the DPW of Worcester. Holden does not have an agreement with the City; Holden has an agreement with DCR. Worcester tells the DCR what they need for income. DCR can charge more or less if they want. Holden is the only community that gets a discount on that rate. Holden gets a maintenance credit and debt service credit. The fee should be $2.61 per hcf, but the DCR charge us $2.11 per hcf.  The sewer line item contains storm water maintenance also. This is due to Worcester having a combined sewer system. Holden would like to open discussions with the City on this.  
Lincoln Ave pumps have 37-year-old pumps and the pump has failed. We cannot make temporary repair due to the age. It will cost $20,000 to repair the pump.  The CDM report recommends $700,000 over next several years for repairs to all stations.  Would like to use a portion of the $273,000 I&I to replace the pump with a short shaft true submersible pump for approximately $20,000.
Need to perform more well redevelopment.  At Spring Street the redevelopment cost approximately $14,000 and the production increased from approximately 100-gpm to 151-gpm. Mason Road increased from 35-gpm to 105-gpm as well as having SCADA and corrosion protection added.  Need to redevelop wells on a more frequent schedule.

Leaks repaired
High Street
Bailey Road
101 Main Street
Main Street at Highland Street
Chapin tank is now on line

  • Water & Sewer Financial Plan:
A report was received from CDM before the meeting showing four different rate structures to fund the water and sewer enterprise account.  Questions were raised as to if the report will advance the Town toward the 2016 goals set forth in the 2006 report.  A general consensus was that fixed costs must be met up front and not discounted. The report was discussed in general and will be sent out for further review by members. Questions were also raised on how to charge the condominiums, retirement homes and apartments in Town.  Need to also look at long-term capital improvements.  

  • I & I Discussion:
Town has 25 sewer pump stations in Town requiring $700,000 of improvements over the next two years.  Lincoln Ave, Heritage and Sunnyside Ave are in very wet areas from historical data.  These are areas that need to be focused on.   The DPW would like to use the in-house staff for some of this work to reduce the total cost of the repairs.