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Attendees Present:

Water Sewer Advisory Board Members - Scott Carlson, Brian Forts, Anthony Renzoni, Ken Lipka


John Michalak, Joe Pridotkas

Others Present:

James Shuris – Director of Public Works,
James Zingarelli - Town Engineer

Recording Secretary:

Marlene Whipple

Audience Attendees:

Al Berg


Scott Carlson made a motion to accept the October 12, 2010 Water Sewer Advisory Board Minutes. Motion accepted by all.  

  • Public Address:
James Shuris started off by stating that the Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund revenues are up due to increased consumption and/or the dry summer. They also paid less to The Upper Blackstone. * See Attached copy under Key Points.

  • Discuss Present Budget/Score Card for Year:  
As of the end of October 2010 the Water Sewer Revenue and Expense Report indicate an Ending Balance <DEFICIT> of  <$218,073.60 > due toup-front” paid expenditures. This is well above the <$520,481.09> DEFICIT reported last year at this time. When taking into account both the front-end “overpaid” expense payments and “above-benchmark” total revenues - the Water & Sewer Enterprise Fund balance is favorable.
  •  Discuss Status of Rate Report/Set New Rates for December Meeting with Selection  
Selectmen, Anthony Renzoni inquired about the status of the Rate Study Report?  Jim Shuris responded that this report is now 90% complete. CDM expects to complete this by Mid-November. There will be three major rate alternatives in this study. The Board suggested after the completion of the Rate Study there should be a joint meeting involving the Selectmen, Water Sewer Advisory Board Members and the Finance Committee.  It was discussed that these committees together will be able to decide what is best for the town.                                                            

  • Discuss Sewer Capacity - (Reference Gallons Per Day)
Jim Zingarelli shared a 22-Month Average Sewer Flows spread sheet*(see attached). The spreadsheet shows that we are approximately 50 thousand gallons below allotment, which equals out to be about 240 houses. The question was asked about the I & I (Inflow & Infiltration) rate over the past year? Jim Shuris responded that it is between 38-41%.  He also stated there is and I & I study in progress.  Jim Shuris provided the board information pertaining to the determination of 208 GPD, which is shown on a document developed by Weston and Sampson in 1996. The board asked Jim Zingarelli to have Pam Harding – Town Planner and Conservation Agent, to look into a number for build-out for sewer within the town.  Ms. Harding will provide both a sewer main build-out with frontage lot sewage and a total residential home build-out.                                                 

  • Discuss Construction Projects and Status
The Mayflower Circle and Highland Street Tank projects are completed. Chapin Tank should be finished by the end of this month.  A fire hydrant was installed adjacent to the Chapin Tank for future fire use.  The painting of the fire hydrants continues and is approximately 70% complete.                                                                                        

  • Open Questions and Discussion
It was agreed by all members that when the Rate Study Report is complete that they be given a copy for their review and comments at which time they would make a recommendation to the Board of Selectmen.

     End Time: 9:15 PM