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Holden Water and Sewer Advisory Board Meeting
August 12, 2010

Attendees Present: Water Sewer Advisory Board-

 James Shuris, Scott Carlson, Brian Forts, John Michalak, Joe Pridotkas, Ken     Lipka, Anthony Renzoni

Others Present: James Zingarelli - Town Engineer
Marlene Whipple - Recording Secretary

Audience Attendees: David White, Kim Ferguson

  • Public Address:  No public address comments.   
  • Discuss Budget and Year End Projections:  Jim Shuris referred members to the letter dated 23 July 2010 addressed to the Board of Selectmen and the Finance Committee (see attached copy).
2A.  Discuss Sewer Capacity:  Jim Zingarelli distributed a letter dated
(Revised 21 July 2010) summarizing “Available Sewer Capacity”.  After a discussion it was agreed to wait for more information and to have another WSAB Meeting to address this further.

  • Discuss Status’ of Rate Report and possible time to discuss rates for next year. CDM is in the process of performing the rate study for the Town of Holden and this study should be completed by the end of October 2010.   During this discussion Selectman Renzoni requested responses to his inquiry from Nancy Galkowski and Jim Shuris provided a response letter dated 12 August 2010 (see attached copy).  Jim Shuris also commented about the June 1, 2007 Water and Sewer Rate Analysis performed by CDM whereas a water increase closer to 45% and a sewer rate increase of 25 % was recommended (see attached letter).
  • Discuss Construction Projects and Status.
Mayflower Circle project is complete except for final paving (patch)  - scheduled to be completed before the end of September 2010.   *Attached also find a copy of a letter from CDM dated 25 November 2008 addressing the “Future Use Evaluation of Mason Road Well field”.

Highland Street Tank rehabilitation project is on schedule – inside/outside painting is complete, the tank has been filled and we await water quality results before bringing this tank back on line.

Mason Road project – submittals continue for engineering review and soil borings were taken for building foundation purposes.  The Brattle Street Generator submittals are under review.

Chapin Tank project is scheduled to commence after Labor Day – 08 September 2010.  As part of this project – a fire hydrant will be installed adjacent to the tank for fire fighting purposes.  

  • Discuss Policies and which ones need to be updated and removed from DRAFT form.  It was agreed that the DRAFT form of the Policies would be held until after the Rate Study was completed since the study will also include sewer and water connections fees and related items.
  • Discuss Hydrant Painting Project status.   87 of 887 hydrants have been painted and this work will continue as time allows.
  • Open Questions and Discussion. Each member of the board will receive a copy of the following policies at the next WSAB meeting  for further discussion.  *These include: Holden/MDC Sewer Use Agreement (unsigned); Worcester/MDC Sewer Use Agreement (11 May 2000); The Construction, Maintenance and Operation of a System of Sanitary Sewers for connections to the Rutland-Holden Trunk Sewer (1938); Agreement to supply water by and between the city of Worcester and the town of Holden, Agreement for wastewater collection and transmission services between the town of Holden and the town of West Boylston (13 December 1999); Agreement to Supply Water By and Between the City of Worcester and the Town of Holden (18 November 2002); MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD (13 November 1991 – Rutland Holden Sewer Connection; ACTS 1939 – Chapter 286 concerning the MDC and the Town of  Holden – Sanitary Sewers; and a letter dated 20 December 1967 – General Report on the conditions governing the construction, maintenance and operation of the Rutland – Holden Sewer.
  • Adjournment:  At 9:05 p.m.

  • Meeting Minutes Accepted on September 29th 2010

   * To review any of the attachments mentioned in the above minutes please go to the Town Clerks office during regular business hours.