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Transportation/Circulation Committee
Record of Meeting
November 12, 2009

Present: D. Lawton, R. Ferguson,  S. Mentzer, J. Kempton, T. Manning, J. Zingarelli, Town Engineer

October's Record of Meeting approved.

Traffic Access Management (TAM)
The CMRPC is performing similar studies for Westboro and Boylston, which are nearly complete. Holden can use these studies as a "tool kit". Holden's study should be completed by late December-early January. Don Lawton presented a draft letter to the Planning Board that describes T/CC's communications with CMRPC regarding a TAM for Holden. The letter lists seven recommendations for the Planning Board's consideration. It was determined that the letter should be sent once T/CC has CMRPC's recommendations.

Crosswalks at Main Street and Shrewsbury Street
Jim Zingarelli will contact the property owner regarding a sidewalk "cut" into the property.

Follow-up to the T/CC discussion about the potential abandonment of River Street in West Boylston: West Boylston has closed its portion of the road for the winter. West Boylston will erect road closure signs in Holden. It is noted that the road cannot be permanently closed without a public hearing.

Harris Street has been repaved and thus no longer requires the "Rough Road" sign.

The MUTCD requires center lines to be double lines.

Next Meeting: Thursday, December 10, 2009, 7:00 p.m. Location TBD.

Adjournment: T/CC adjourned at 7:523 pm.