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Transportation/Circulation Committee
Record of Meeting
October 9, 2008

Present: D. Lawton, R. Ferguson, J. Kempton, T. Manning, J. Zingarelli, Senior Civil Engineer

Meeting opened at 7:10pm.

September 11, 2008 Meeting Records approved.

Bailey Road/Putnam Road Intersection
The T/C Committee reviewed the proposed solution to the Bailey Road/Putnam Road intersection (see September 11th Minutes). The DPW Superintendent is not yet convinced that the existing intersection is as dangerous as stated. He believes the planned solution makes it difficult for vehicles with trailers to navigate around the island on a one-way left turn from Bailey to Putnam. The Superintendent suggests using (2) stop signs to control the current traffic flow.

Avery Heights Drive/Avery Road Intersection
T/C Committee asked Jim Zingarelli to pursue the Committee's solution with the DPW (Rich DeWitt).

Sherwood Hill Road
Confirmation that CHILDREN sign has been installed is required.

Winter Hill Road/Newell Road Intersection
Concern was raised about the increase in traffic on Newell Road once the Winterberry Hollow project starts. Installation of a stop sign at the intersection will be revisited when the development construction starts.

Traffic Access Management (TAM)
The TAM will take some time getting through the Zoning By-Law process. It will be up to the Planning Department to jum start the process with any consultants.

Lincoln Avenue
The safety of the Lincoln Avenue/Wachusett Street intersection was brought to the Committee's attention. The main issue is the high drop-off at a retaining wall where the two streets intersect. Also of concern is the lack of guard rail along the pond. The DPW is contracting for guard rails at both locations. This will make a substantial improvement.

Doyle/Brattle/Shrewsbury Intersection
The Doyle/Brattle/Shrewsbury intersection reconstruction project is tied in with the Doyle Road and Salisbury Street sidewalk projects. The RFP for all these projects may be packaged together. FSP has been contracted to prepare the bid documents for January '09 bidding with construction beginning in the spring.

Doyle Road CHILDREN Sign
No action will be taken on the CHILDREN sign requested on Doyle Road until the Brattle/Doyle intersection reconstruction is complete. TCC suggests enforcement of the posted speed limit at this time.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20 pm.

Next Meeting: Thursday, November 13, 2008 at 7pm, Selectmen's Room