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Transportation/Circulation Committee
Record of Meeting
June 19, 2008

Present: D. Lawton, J. Kempton, S. Mentzer, Holden Master Plan Committee, R. Ferguson, J. Zingarelli, Senior Civil Engineer

May 15, 2008 meeting record approved.

Holden Master Plan
The Holden Master Plan final report was submitted to the Planning Board last week according to Steve Mentzer. The report must, at some point, be accepted by the Planning Board per State law. It is anticipated that this acceptance will not occur until the Planning Board has had time to review the report in detail - likely later this summer.

Traffic Access Management (TAM) Proposal
Don Lawton's memo of May 15, 2008, which had been reviewed and approved by T/C, has been presented to Pam Harding by Jim Zingarelli. Pam thinks it is premature to bring this memo to the attention of the Planning Board before the Board has accepted the Master Plan report (see Item 2 above). The reason is the TAM proposal relates to findings presented in the Master Plan report.

Main Street Intersections
Jim Zingarelli has talked to Mark Johnson of Mass Highway recently. Mark reports that the work order is in but has not indicated any time for work to begin. Holden officials are concerned that lane lines and arrows are no longer visible.

Wachusett Street (Route 31) Bridge over Quinapoxet River
Repair to this bridge is on the books but with no certain date. There will be single lane alternating direction traffic necessary during construction. Traffic will necessarily back up in both directions, also including exiting from Quinapoxet Street onto Route 31 north bound. Present plan is to widen this intersection to allow an additional dedicated right hand lane for south bound traffic. The need for some land taking is anticapated. This will be a Mass Highway (District 3) project.

Princeton Street Bridge at Quinapoxet Reservoir
Princeton Street is closed to traffic in both directions at the bridge during construction. Holden DPW is not involved.

Other Bridge Plans
Repair on two other Quinapoxet River bridges are on the books but without firm dates. These are 1) at the north end of Mill Street and 2) near the River Street/Harris Street intersection. Holden DPW is not involved in either.

Holden Christian Academy
Jim Zingarelli has spoken to Rich DeWitt about ordering the "School Entrance Ahead" signs previously recommended by T/C. These are not yet installed.

Colony Homes Crosswalk
T/C has received a complaint that the crosswalk on Reservoir Street at the Colony Homes is faded. This info was passed on to Jim Zingarelli; he will pursue. He says crosswalk painting is now being done by DPW (previously by Police Dept)

Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm. Next meeting: Thursday, July 31 at 7pm.