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Transportation/Circulation Committee
Record of Meeting
July 31, 2008

Present: D. Lawton, J. Kempton, S. Mentzer, Holden Master Plan Committee, R. Ferguson, J. Zingarelli, Senior Civil Engineer

June 19, 2008 meeting record approved.

Holden Master Plan
Planning Board accepted Holden Master Plan report at their July 15, 2008 meeting.

Traffic Access Management (TAM)
Pam Harding has told Jim Zingarelli that she will now (subsequent to Planning Board approval of the Holden Master Plan report) present Don Lawton's May 15, 2008 memo on TAM to the Planning Board for their consideration.

Avery Heights Drive at Avery Road
Two complaints have been received concerning safety following an accident at this intersection. T/C had preliminary discussion tonight based on Jim Zingarelli's site visit. T/C members are to visit site before September meeting. A course of action will be recommended at that meeting.

Putnam Road at Bailey Road
Perceived site distance problems at this intersection may have contributed to a recent accident. It is reported that DPW personnel are now and will be working (repaving et al) on Bailey Road for the next few months. This is an appropriate time to consider possible improvements to the intersection. DPW and T/C members will visit site and make recommendations at September meeting.

Sherwood Hill Road
A request has been received for signage alerting drivers to children on this street which is used as a short cut to Malden Street. A black on yellow diamond shaped sign "Children" is recommended for installation in the uphill direction.

Wingspan Estates
T/C had reviewed plans and traffic analysis submitted to T/C at our October 2007 meeting and had no recommendations. Subsequent to that, T/C understands that another plan with revisions dated December 17, 2007 was submitted and approved and approved by the Planning Board. This plan had changes in grades approaching Main Street that are not consistent with Sub-Division Control Regulations (see Section V-A-3-a). Another plan was submitted to T/C tonight requesting an additional waiver and further relief from the grades allowed per V-A-3-a. T/C by a vote of 3 against (1 abstention) recommends that this last request for a further waiver be denied. T/C understands that the Planning Board approved revisions of December 17, 2007 are a done deal.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35pm.
Next meeting: Thursday September 11, 2008 at 7pm.