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Transportation/Circulation Committee
Record of Meeting
January 17, 2008

Present: D. Lawton, T. Manning, S. Mentzer, Holden Master Plan Committee, J. Zingarelli, Senior Civil Engineer

December 20, 2007 meeting records approved.

Main Street Intersections with Salisbury, Malden, Industrial Drive and Route 31
No change from previous discussions. It is expected Mass Highway's response will be in the form of the actual work. This will most likely happen this spring or summer.

Doyle Road Intersections with Brattle Street
Awaiting Town Manager's approval of the contract for bid documents. The Shrewsbury Street/Doyle Road sidewalk reconstruction is included in the engineer's design proposal. This may be slowing down the approval of the contract as there is ongoing discussion about the requirement for the sidewalk work being performed at this time. Can the sidewalk work be separated from the intersection work?

Traffice Peer Review-Walgreens
The peer review performed by Nitsch Engineering agrees with most of the original report submitted by MDM Transportation Consultants. The concerns brought forth by Nitsch include: 1) No peak hour data at the proposed drive intersections was included in the report, 2) The present Level of Service (LOS) of E is considered unacceptable (however, the area of the proposed building was previously given a grade of E, which the proposed project will not affect) and 3) the unsignalized side street approaches to Main Street will continue to operate with "long" delays. The review confirms concerns about left hand turns in and out of the site (as reported earlier by the T/C Committee. See attached Nitsch Engineering report.

It is reported that the recent Planning Board approval of the Project does not include the recommendations of the Transportation/Circulation Committee.

Traffic Management By-Laws
Jim Zingarelli is reviewing Mass Highway and other Traffic Management guidelines and will provide them to T/C Committee for review. T/C Committee awaiting word if Traffic Management Subcommittee will be formed. NB: Jim Zingarelli informed the author that the accurate title of the guidelines is "Traffic Access Management".

Steve Mentzer expressed concerns about trash toters being continually left at the road edge, affecting sight lines. This exacerbates the existing difficulty of impaired sightlines caused by snow banks. T/C Committee response is that the issue should be brought to the Selectmen's attention. Steve also provided the Committee with a copy of the Transportation section of the Master plan review. The Master Plan should be finalized by the end of January.

Next Meeting: Thursday, February 21, 2008 at 7pm, Starbard Building, Selectmen's Room