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February 8, 2007

PRESENT: D. Lawton, T. Manning, R. Ferguson, J. Zingarelli, Senior Civil Engineer, S. Mentzer, Holden Master Plan Committee

1. January meeting record approved.

2. Holden Master Plan

Jeff Maxtutis' final report is scheduled to be posted tomorrow with recommendations for Holden's future included. Steve Mentzer will have copies made and distributed to T/C members. T/C will critique Jeff's recommendations at March T/C meeting and submit any comments to Jeff. Steve reported that no information has been received from CMRPC relative to the I-190 computer model.

3. Doyle Road/Brattle Street Intersection

A flashing yellow light has been attached to the second of the two "Shut Turn Signal Off" signs on Doyle Road seen after turning from Shrewsbury Street, as previously recommended. Jim Zingarelli reported that the Cullinan study of the Doyle Road/Brattle Street/Shrewsbury Street area is nearly complete and the report should be issued very soon.

4. Chapel Street

An E-mail has been received from Volker Braun of 200 Chapel Street complaining about speeds on Chapel Street and the inconsistency of signage on that street. He has requested a yellow diamond shaped "SLOW CHILDREN" sign be installed in his neighborhood. A T/C survey confirms that the present signage along the length of Chapel Street is confusing and inconsistent. Jim Zingarelli noted that white signs are legally controlled by state statutes; yellow signs are not and are not legally enforceable. The issue of signage state-wide begs for clarification. T/C recommends DPW survey the overall Chapel Street signage situation, including Volker Braun's request, and make appropriate changes.

5. Traffic growth rate in Holden

Recent Traffic Impact Studies (TIS) reviewed by T/C have assumed that Holden traffic will increase at a rate any where from 1% (Rice School study) to 3% (Faford Realty study) per year. Jeff Maxtutis in Table 2 (p. 5) of his report has assumed 2% per year based on data from a variety of sources including CMRPC and Mass. Highway. After discussion, T/C has decided that 2% per year is appropriate when reviewing and recommending revisions to future TIS.

6. Main Street intersection problems

T/C is concerned about several traffic issues at three intersections along Main Street. It has been reported that some of these issues were discussed at a recent meeting with Mass. Highway attended by some town officials. It is not clear what action Mass. Highway may take.

A. Salisbury Street: The convergence of two lines of traffic approaching the traffic light into a single line almost immediately after the light. It is particularly a hazard north bound where aggressive drivers tend to fly through the green light without taking reasonable precaution against the necessary merging of the two lanes. Worcester bound traffic problems can also exist as a result of two lines of traffic squeezing into one when a vehicle is waiting for an opening to cross traffic into Malden Street.

B. Industrial Drive: Aggressive drivers not using due care cause similar problems in both directions at this intersection as occur at Salisbury Street.

C. Route 31: North bound traffic on Reservoir Street that desires to turn left onto Main Street during peak traffic find that they wait several cycles of lights before reaching the intersection. A review of the light cycle timing might be all that is needed to improve the condition.

D. The "paint" treatment used on the road surface all along Main Street to define arrows for turning lanes and also to stripe lanes has generally worn off.

E. The color of the overhead traffic signals are reportedly very difficult to ascertain for Worcester bound traffic on Main Street at Route 31 and at Industrial Drive in the early morning due to the position of the sun. Additional traffic signals on posts should mitigate the problem.

7. Don Lawton was re-elected Chair and Bob Ferguson was re-elected Secretary of T/C for 2007.

Meeting adjourned at 4:20pm.

Next meeting: Thursday March 15, 2007 at 3pm. NOTE change in usual date.