Town of Holden 1204 Main Street, Holden, MA 01520
Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes
November 13, 2013
Recreation Office ~ 175 Highland Street
Members Present: Lisa Post, Erin O’Neil Bradbury, Melissa Staiti, Robin Grady, Nancy Owens
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Denise Morano, Recreation Director
Dee Anne Grebinar, Recording Secretary
Lisa called the Recreation Committee meeting to order at 7:10 p.m.
MINUTES: A motion was made by Erin and seconded by Lisa to accept
the minutes of the October 8, 2013 meeting.
The minutes of October 8, 2013 were accepted as written.
The “Winter Festival” will be held on December 7th. The festival will begin at 1:00 p.m. and includes an ice sculpture demonstration, bell ringers, arts and crafts stations, a trackless train, face painting and other entertainment. Everything will culminate with Santa’s arrival and the tree lighting. Denise has increased the number of “goodie” bags Santa will hand out from 300 to 500, to ensure no child will be left without one. The committee discussed the details of the festival and Lisa asked if any of the committee’s responsibilities had changed. Denise said “no,” we are not responsible for activities during the day. The committee expressed their concerns about the safety issues involved with
activities on both sides of the street and thought having Santa at Walgreens on the same day was not a good idea, with Santa arriving that evening. They thought a snowman, a penguin or an elf would have been a better idea. The committee members will meet at the Church at 3:15 p.m. to start preparing the hot chocolate and popcorn. Nancy will pick up the key to the Church earlier in the week.
Ron’s, our long contracted music supplier for Santa’s arrival, is no longer doing business. Coupled with the expected activities from the “Winter Festival”, we will go without the piped music from his sound truck.
The former Rice School baseball field project was completed Thursday, October 17th.
The lights for the basketball courts and tennis courts at the Dawson Recreation Area have been turned off. The tennis nets from all of the courts have been removed.
Before/After School Programs
Denise went over the numbers for the Before & After School Programs. We currently care for 269 children each day.
Davis Hill – 51 AM and 52 PM (7 wait listed)
Mayo - 52 AM and 52 PM (7 wait listed AM, 7 wait listed PM)
Dawson – 25 AM and 37 PM
Denise commented that the program numbers remain strong. Melissa said she is quite impressed with the program, that it’s much more than day care and her son loves it.
Adult Programs
Some of the second session of classes have begun. They are Alphabet Soup with 21 registered; Yoga for Every “Body” 7 participants, and Hatha Yoga on Tuesday mornings has 14 registered. The Thursday morning Hatha Yoga class will begin November 21st with 15 participants and is sold out; Re-Shape begins November 19th and currently has 10 registered; and the newest class, TaiChi/Chi-Gong begins November 21st and has 12 registered. The Men’s basketball and Women’s volleyball drop-in programs continue to attract positive numbers. We also have 1 registered for the Cross Country ski lessons that will begin in January.
Denise wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
The next Recreation Committee meeting will be held on January 14, 2014 @ 7:00 p.m.
at the Starbard Building.
Holden Recreation Committee November 13,