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Town of Holden 1204 Main Street, Holden, MA 01520

Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes
October 13, 2009
Starbard Building

Members Present: Susan Serewicz, Erin O'Neil Bradbury, Lisa Post, Richard Anderson

Members Absent: Carmelo Bazzano

Others Present: Denise Morano, Recreation Director, Dee Anne Grebinar, Recording Secretary

The Recreation Committee meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

MINUTES: A motion was made by Erin and seconded by Lisa
The Recreation Committee minutes for September 8, 2009 have been accepted as written.

Before & After School Programs:
Denise went over the current enrollment figures for the Before & After School Programs:

Davis Hill
51 Children
46 Children
43 Children
44 Children
23 Children
27 Children

Denise commented that the numbers are strong and that the staff at all the schools are excellent and there have been very few issues that have needed to be addressed. She mentioned that the Department of Early Education and Care will be implementing some new rules and regulations in 2010 regarding administration of medication and progress reports and she is keeping abreast of these regulations.

Adult Programs:
Denise commented that the Adult classes had good participation and we will be running most of them again. A copy of the new classes which will start at the end of October was given to each member of the committee. A conversational Spanish class began last Wednesday, October 7, 2009 with a full enrollment of 10 people. Interview Like a Star, Zentangle and Self Defense were cancelled due to lack of enrollment. Lisa asked if the adult classes were advertised. Denise said yes, in The Flash, the Landmark and on the web. Richard said he'd noticed them recently in The Flash.

Seasonal Programs:
Denise commented on the current seasonal programs that have been advertised.
New York City Bus Trip - December 5, 2009 - currently have 18 people signed up - cost is $57.00
Ski/Snowboard lessons - begin January 4, 2010 - Ward Hill, Shrewsbury - children get five (5) 1-hour lessons then can ski/snowboard until 8 p.m. At end of program they get one free pass. Transportation to Ward Hill is not provided.
Santa - visits Holden on Saturday, December 5, 2009 - arrives at Town Hall at 5 p.m. - Ron's Sound, Girl Scouts, police and fire chiefs and Santa have all been contacted. Denise will contact Lucy Banks to have her contact the Church for us and Denise plans on shopping for the goodie bag "stuff" this week. Last year we were short on people to help, so Denise asked everyone to please plan on attending and helping. We should be there by 3:30 p.m. to set up. Richard "volunteered" his wife and son.

Denise mentioned the meeting she has scheduled to discuss the possibility of building a skateboard park. It is at 5:30 p.m. on November 10, 2009 (prior to the Recreation Meeting) in the Selectman's Room. Lisa asked why we are scheduling a meeting, she thought this was a non-issue at this point. Denise explained she wants to see if there is still any interest in the town for this project. Erin commented that the original letter regarding the Skateboard park had been written by a Middle School student as a writing assignment for one of his classes.

Richard commented that he noticed the Dawson Recreation basketball courts are getting a lot of use.

Denise mentioned the letter she received from Thomas Pandiscio, Superintendent of Schools, regarding purchasing snacks for the Before and After School Programs from the Food Service Associate at each of the individual schools. Committee members were given a copy of this letter. Denise has been in contact with both Nancy Hasselmann, Manager of Food Services and Susan Sullivan, Director of Human Resources, regarding the differences in the prices we'd have to pay with them as opposed to the prices we pay at Sam's Club. Some of the prices we checked were two or three times higher. At this time, nothing has changed.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55pm.

The next Recreation Committee meeting will be held on November 10, 2009 @ 7:00 p.m. at the Starbard Building.