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Town of Holden 1204 Main Street, Holden, MA 01520

Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes
November 10, 2009
Starbard Building

Members Present: Susan Serewicz, Erin O'Neil Bradbury, Lisa Post, Richard Anderson, Carmelo Bazzano

Others Present: Denise Morano, Recreation Director, Dee Anne Grebinar, Recording Secretary

The Recreation Committee meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.

MINUTES: A motion was made by Lisa and seconded by Richard
The Recreation Committee minutes for October 13, 2009 have been accepted as written.

Adult Programs:
Denise discussed the number of participants in the adult programs for the new session - Ball of Fun (4); Firm what you "Gut" (14); Yoga (begins 11/12 and 11/24) (16); Yoga for Every "Body" (7); 3CPYo (10); Zumba (34). Programs are all going well.

Before & After School Programs:
Denise went over the current enrollment figures for the Before & After School programs.

Davis Hill
AM - 50 Children
PM - 46 Children
AM - 45 Children
PM - 46 Children
AM - 23 Children
PM - 26 Children

Denise commented that the numbers remain strong. She will be adding a new staff member to the afternoon program at Dawson. We are within the correct ratio of staff to children at this time, but there are a lot Kindergarten children at Dawson and she feels they will benefit by having an additional staff member there.

Seasonal Programs:
Denise commented on the current seasonal programs that have been advertised.

Ski/Snowboard lessons - to be held Mondays starting in January - nothing to date.
New York City Bus Trip - December 5, 2009 - currently have 29 people signed up - Carmelo asked about the bus trip and if there are any scheduled activities. Denise gave the details regarding departure time and that people are "on their own." It is the 8th year we are doing the bus trip and last year was the first year we had difficulty filling the bus, so we were combined with another group by Fox Tours. We've had great success with Fox Tours, they take care of all arrangements.
Santa - everything set for Saturday, December 5th, be at church by 3:30.

New Class Ideas:
Denise discussed ideas for two new classes that the Recreation Department is considering offering.
Girls' Night Out - would be a time to get-together, converse, an almost "anything goes" group, no structured agenda, could just discuss issues that they are concerned about. Ideas on what to talk about and things to do would come from the group itself. Might be a good choice for "empty nesters" looking for something to do.

Morning Hip Hop - would be held at the CCS Dance Studio, led by their staff. We will pay our normal contractor fee of 60% and use their studio. It will be a morning class.

Skateboard Park - a meeting was held this evening prior to the Recreation Committee meeting to see if there was interest in this project.  Both adults and children attended. Seven adults volunteered to serve on a Skateboard Committee to organize and formulate ideas. Sue Serewicz had attended the meeting and she and Denise made the following comments to the Recreation Committee: the biggest hurdle will be where to put the park; they would prefer looking for Town owned space as opposed to purchasing space - would need to be concerned about abutters; people at the meeting were VERY opposed to having the park monitored and they do not want to have any fees charged to use the park. Denise commented that the Recreation Department looks at monitoring as a safety issue. Lisa asked about liability. Denise said the insurance company for the former skateboard park in Holden had insisted on the park being monitored. Richard Anderson asked "if the rules are posted, does that protect us?" He commented that we should definately talk to the town lawyers. Carmelo felt the park is a dangerous thing and he felt that we would be liable. Sue Serewicz commented on how interest seems to wane from year to year on this type of recreation activity. Richard Anderson agreed that we should let the committee handle it and see what they come up with. The next Skateboard Committee Meeting will be held on January 12, 2010 at 5:30pm (prior to Recreation Committee meeting at 7pm)

Denise mentioned there is nothing new to report concerning the policy to purchase snacks for the before and after school program from the schools - we are still checking prices.

Budget - money has been included for the painting and seal coating of the basketball court at the Light Department, and for the renovation of the bathroom, kitchen and pavilion at Trout Brook. Money had been put aside last year for Trout Brook, but because of the ice storm renovations had been put on  hold.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm. Happy Thanksgiving!

The next Recreation Committee meeting will be held on January 12, 2010 @ 7:00 p.m. at the Starbard Building