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Town of Holden 1204 Main Street, Holden, MA 01520

Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes

November 19, 2008

Starbard Building

Members Present: Carmelo Bazzano, Lisa Post, Dick Anderson, Susan Serewicz

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Denise Morano, Recreation Director

The Recreation Committee meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

MINUTES: A motion was made by Lisa Post and seconded by Dick Anderson
The Recreation Committee minutes for October 14, 2008 have been accepted as written.

Director's Report

Adult programs: Hatha Yoga on Tuesday and Thursday mornings have a combined registration of 13. A new Kickboxing class started last night with 6 registered. 3CPYo has 18 registered between Tuesday and Thursday nights; Zumba will resume on Dec 2 with 11 participants. A holiday gift class will be held on Dec. 3 with 4 enrolled. Pilate's class has 11 enrolled. A stress reduction class had to be canceled because of low enrollment. The women's volleyball on Thursday evenings has increased to approximately 15 participants. Men's basketball usually has between 18-23 playing each Thursday. We are considering a teen exercise program and a men's only or couples exercise program for January. We still have seats available for the New York City trip on Saturday, December 6th.

Children's Programs: We currently have 239 children enrolled in the Before and After School Programs. The After School Program at Davis Hill is at maximum capacity with 52 children. Ski Ward has 3 registered.

Santa is scheduled to arrive on Saturday, December 6 at Town Hall. Recreation Committee members should arrive at 3:30 at the 1st Congregational Church.

I reminded the Committee that I spoke with the principal at Mountview regarding the 3 on 3 basketball tournament and other after school recreation programs. I am very disappointed that I have not received a phone call or letter from him concerning our ability to run programs for the students after school. I heard that Mountview was offering a 3 on 3 basketball tournament on the dates we would have scheduled for our 3 on 3. I decided to attend their tournament to see how it was being run. Lisa pointed out that the teams were mixed with 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students and it appeared that the coaches were scouting for the basketball teams.  Susan asked if we could hold a 3 on 3 at the elementary schools. Because of the After School Programs that is not feasible and would interfere with running our programs.

Susan S. mentioned how pleased she was with all of the programs and classes we are offering. She saw 2 letters in the Landmark thanking the Town for the basketball court and tennis court refurbishing, with no mention of the Recreation Department.

Carmelo asked about open gyms for the 4th and 5th grades and Dick responded that the spaces are being used for programs. Denise also stated that the gyms are in use by the Recreation Department, the schools themselves and the basketball leagues in Town.

2010 capital budget items include monies to reseal and paint the Dawson Recreation Area basketball and tennis courts, and have a well installed for the irrigation system on the Dawson Recreation fields.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families!

New/Old Business:
Skate Park - After thinking about not supporting a skate park with any Recreation dollars, Sue feels the Recreation Department should match any funds that are collected by the kids who hold a fund raiser. Lisa response - presently there is not a location for the kids to skateboard and they are scattered all over Main Street. Denise tells the committee she has budgeted $50000 towards the skate park and reminds them we are a self supporting department. We may see more revenue in the Recreation Department because our classes cost less than the Y and there aren't any membership dues. The economy is down and people can't afford high fees and memberships.
Dick - Barry Parenteau - swim director at Holy Cross thinks that he will be able to help us with lifeguards at the end of the summer. Denise will contact him.

The Recreation Committee meeting for December 9, 2008 is canceled.

The next Recreation Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 13th @ 7:00 p.m., at the Starbard Building.