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Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes
March 11, 2008
Starbard Building

Members Present:           Susan Serewicz, Lisa Post, Carmelo Bazzano
Others Present:              Denise Morano, Recreation Director, Dawn Placentino-Olen, Recording Secretary

The Recreation Committee meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM.

Minutes: The minutes from December 11, 2007 were accepted as written.

Directors Report

Programs: Adult classes - Cardio-blast weight loss bagan Jan. 8, w/6 enrolled; Latin Dancercise has 27 participants and will start a new class on Mar. 18, w/14; 3CPYo began on Feb. 26 w/11 enrolled; Pilate's w/exercise ball, Everyday stories and a Valentines card making class were cancelled due to low enrollement; Mountview classes - Registration was held in January for: babysitting class w/10 registered and guitar lesson w/11 registered, counter cross-stitch class was cancelled. A new flyer will be passed out for Apr-May class offerings. Before and After School Programs - there are currently 250 children enrolled on a daily basis.

Budget Items: Bay State Pumps is the low bidder for the installation of the well and on the ball field at the former Rice School. A special Town meeting was held on march 10th regarding the reconstruction of the Mountview Tennis courts, which passed unanimously. Game Time was the low bidder of $19,999 for the playground at the former Rice School. This includes play components, shipping, surfacing and installation. I hope to have it installed by mid-May.

Miscellaneous: A meeting was held in January with the sports league directors to discuss the upcoming field assignments. Wachusett will still be using Jefferson, Bubar, Davis Hill softball and the Mayo School baseball field. They will also be using the Dawson Rec. tennis courts for the season. A letter of thanks came from the chairman of the high school committee for allowing the teams to use the Town fields. We are participating in the DCR's "Use Nature as Your Guide" program that will allow Town residents free access to the Massachusetts state parks, forests and beaches. Rose Johnson resigned on 1/18/08 and Lucy Banks resigned on 2/12/08 from the Recreation Committee. I want to thank them both for volunteering their time. I have emailed the Town Manager's office requesting names of people submitting do-something questionnaires and listing the Recreation Committee as their choice.

New Business: Election of Officers: Lisa Post nominated Susan Serewicz for Chairman and seconded by Carmello Bazzano. Susan Serewicz nominated Lisa Post as Vice Chairman and seconded by Carmelo Bazzano.

The Recreation Committee meeting will be held on April 8th at 7:00 pm at the Starbard Building.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.