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Recreation Committee
Meeting Minutes
March 1, 2007
Starbard Building
1204 Main Street

MEMBERS PRESENT: Lucy Banks, Susan Serewicz, Glenn Gaudette, Lisa Post,
                                        Rosemary Johnson and Denise Morano - Staff

The Recreation Committee meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM

Minutes: A motion was made by Glenn Gaudette and seconded by Lisa Post:
To accept the Recreation Committee minutes as written for February 1, 2007.

Director's Report

Pool: Thank you for your participation at the public hearing. Applications are being accepted for summer staff. A draft of the summer brochure was distributed. We are waiting for quotes from cleaning services for this summer at the pool; M-F 1pm-5pm and Sat. & Sun. from 12pm - 5pm. A lottery system has been set up to sell non-resident passes. 400 passes will be available at $75.00 each. Requests are being accepted up to March 23; the drawing will be held the first week of April and "winners" will be notified that week. Resident passes will be on sale beginning April 2 with no change in cost from last year. The expansion of the green space at the pool is being altered from the previous design. The fence will be moved back on the south side, the trees will be cleared, and sod will be installed. The area is much larger and will enable us to set up picnic tables and gazebo like structures.

Programs: Before and After School programs have 246 children enrolled on a daily basis. David Hill is still at maximum capacity with a wait list of 27 children. Adult class: Stained Glass @ 7; Yoga has 17 total between Tues and Thurs mornings; Cardio Blast has 22 between Tues & Thurs evenings; new session of Women's Volleyball starts tonight; men's basketball has seen a slight decrease in numbers; and the Pilates class has been cancelled due to lack of student registration.

Miscellaneous: The Recreation budget hearing will be Wednesday, March 21 in the Selectmen's Room.

Lucy advised the Recreation Committee that she is writing a letter to the Selectmen regarding the non-resident issue. Lucy will provide the Recreation Committee with a copy of their approval.

The next Recreation Committee meeting will be held on April 5, 2007 at 7:30p.m. at the Starbard Building.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00p.m.