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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
February 26, 2013
Memorial Hall

Members Present:        
W. Ritter, D. Lindberg, O. Lies, S. Carlson

Members Absent: 
J. Head, J. Michalak

Others Present: 
P. Harding, Town Planner, I. McCauley, DPW
        D. Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:00 PM:  W. Ritter called the Planning Board meeting to order.

W. Ritter welcomed two WPI students.

7:00 p.m.  PUBLIC HEARING - Site Plan Review Special Permit, 638 Main Street, McDonald’s Expansion of Drive-thru:  McDonalds has submitted a request to withdraw without prejudice their application for site plan/special permit review.

O. Lies motioned to accept the withdrawal of the application.  S. Carlson seconded.  Vote 4-0, all in favor.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.

955 Princeton Street, Sobol:  The applicant is creating two building lots and adjoining back land to abutting property.  The land is located in the R-40 zoning district, and both lots have the required area and frontage.

For the benefit of the WPI students, W. Ritter explained what an ANR is.  P. Harding described what the applicant was proposing to do.

O. Lies motioned to approve.  D. Lindberg seconded.  Vote 4-0, all in favor.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.  Plan of Land Located in Holden, MA. Carol A. Bradway, Philip J. Sobol, John E. Sobol & James M. Sobol.  Plan #040303, dated February 14, 2013.

Two Family Dwelling, 57 Sunnyside Ave., Bianchini:  The applicant is proposing to construct a two-family home, which are not allowed in any zone on Main Street) on a vacant lot by special permit in the R-10 zoning district.

W. Ritter explained why the Planning Board reviews these plans, sent by the Zoning Board of Appeals.

D. Lindberg motioned for no action due to limited planning significance.  O. Lies seconded.  Vote 4-0, all in favor.

Documents presented during review can be viewed at the Planning Board office.  Brian Riley & Keith Bianchini,  Special Permit application to construct 2-unit dwelling @ 57 Sunnyside Ave. Case No. SP1301, dated February 11, 2013.

119 Paugus Road, Moran, R-2, Side Yard Setback Requirement, Single Family Home:  The applicant is seeking 9’ of relief for the construction of a garage.  W. Ritter explained what the applicant was asking for and why.

O. Lied motioned no recommendation due to no planning significance.  S. Carlson seconded.  Vote 4-0, all in favor.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.  Matthew A. Moran & Wendy A. Moran, Plan of Land Located at 119 Paugus Rd., Holden, MA. Case #V1302, application dated February 18, 2013.

This is continued discussion from the last meeting.  Each Planning Board member was asked to identify favorable parts of the bylaw and sections they felt needed amending.  W. Ritter explained why the Board was reviewing the current bylaw.

S. Carlson mentioned A-frame signs, and said there is no continuity.  P. Harding said she’s also noticed them in the line of view.  O. lies believes they should be in the sign bylaw, with the times they can be displayed.

D. Lindberg brought up an example of the pink building at 800 Main Street.  It has a ladder sign and when they ran out of space, added a second ladder sign near the Hess gas station.  That ladder sign doesn’t look as nice.  They should at least match.

W. Ritter said there are some really nice, tastefully lit signs in town.  These are the types that should be encouraged.  He recommended something like giving a bonus in size for wooden signs or signs lit by the ground.  He also believes that short signs are better and more tastefully done, like the old ladder signs.

O. Lies stated that the new police station sign should stand out more.  It’s easily missed.  He also said that there should be a table of definitions, a table of dimensions, and a table of zones in the bylaw.  He suggested omitting the words ‘may be’.  He also mentioned political signs that the Town of Grafton addressed in their revised bylaw.  He read their one paragraph bylaw on political signs, and would like to see size added to it.

Electronic signs are not covered in our present bylaw.  In Grafton, electronic signs are allowed in the commercial district.

O. Lies wanted to know where someone would like the fees for signs in Holden.  P. Harding said the building department.  Both O. Lies and W. Ritter agree that the bylaw should be cleaned up and shortened.

EDC will be asked to look at the sign bylaw and report back.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.

  • Marijuana Bylaw:  W. Ritter mentioned that other towns are rushing to pass a bylaw to keep dispensaries away from school areas.  Chief Sherrill will be asked for his input.
  • Dumping on Farms:  S. Carlson discussed the trucks on the road, dumping on farms.  The are trucking from the Boston area.  He believes that after a million yards it is considered a quarry.
  • November 13, 2012:  S. Carlson motioned to approve.  D. Lindberg seconded.  Vote 4-0, APPROVED.
  • December 11, 2012:  Continue to next meeting.  No quorum to vote.
  • CMRPC, Community, 13 Prioritization Project:  O. Lies informed the Board that there is a land study on CD.  P. Harding stated that it is online.  There is information there that is very interesting.
NEXT MEETING:  March 12, 2013

S. Carlson motioned to adjourn.  D. Lindberg seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 8:00 PM.

February 26, 2013 Minutes approved:       April 14, 2013        

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary