Planning Board Meeting Minutes
February 12, 2013
Memorial Hall
Members Present:
W. Ritter, A. Bonofiglio, D. Lindberg, O. Lies, S. Carlson, J. Michalak
Members Absent:
J. Head
Others Present:
P. Harding, Town Planner, I. McCauley, DPW
7:00 PM: W. Ritter called the Planning Board meeting to order.
WACHUSETT WOODS, VIOLATION OF CONDITIONS: Between January 31, and February 1, 2013, P. Harding received seven complaints about the treatment of the roadways within the Wachusett Woods subdivision. DPW has inspected the roadways after snowstorms and notified the Developer of improper treatment. After notification the situation was corrected but it has become a continuous problem. Residents have been unable to leave the development and cars have been skidding off the roadway into curbing.
Additionally, the Planning Department has warned the Developer that inspection reports of the pump station were not being routinely submitted, the Developer recently submitted all inspection reports for the pumping station.
Mike Kendrick, 8 Shady Lane stated he could not get out of the subdivision during and after snow storms. Karen McCrowen, 33 Shady Lane; Kevin McCarthy, 12 Shady Lane; and Diletta McNally, 34 Shady Lane, were all concerned about the condition of the roadway. Similar concern was expressed from Juan Ramos, 31 Shady Lane. Michael Krikonis, 10 Shady Lane stated he would like to see the developer made an effort to complete the remaining items of the subdivision, and there are public safety issues with access.
The Town would also like a timetable for completion of the roadway.
The subdivision approval does not expire until June 2015 due to the permit extension act. P. Harding is recommending the Board conduct a public hearing to discuss the violation of conditions.
D. Lindberg motioned to bring the subdivision to Public Hearing for consideration of rescission due to violation of conditions, O. Lies seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.
APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED, Howard Carlson, 420 Bullard Street, R-1 Zoning District: The applicant is creating a 12.5 acre parcel with no frontage for the purposes of adjoining the parcel to abutting property owned by the Department of Conservation and Recreation. The plan is entitled to endorsement.
A. Bonofiglio motioned to endorse the Approval Not Require plan with the condition that the locus map be added, Scott Carlson seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.
Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office. Plan of Land owned by Howard W. Carlson Revocable Trust, 420 Bullard Street, Holden, MA. Plan dated 1/18/13.
CMRPC, Community 13 Prioritization Project, Selection of Priority Development Area:
The CMRPC has been allocated approximately 25 hours to study a specific PDA and analyze the following information;
- Environmental resources (wetlands, floodplain, etc.)
- Zoning (allowed uses, dimensional controls)
- Utilities (water, sewer, stormwater, natural gas, fiber optic)
- Transit
- Roadway connection/access
- Proximate to housing
- Surrounding land uses; compatibility
- Topography; soils
- Contamination
- Existing land uses on site; existing structures
- Parcel size and configuration
- Visibility
- Amenities
- Ownership
- Permitting process
- Community-identified vision for the site/area
Project Deliverables: Packet of information for each PDA, including map/plan, photos, possible development scenario if applicable, etc.
Project Goal: A packet of information for a priority development area that can be used to guide communities in identifying possible zoning changes, 43D application, grant applications (MassWorks), promotion to developers, template for future analysis of additional PDAs, etc.
Our three PDA’s to choose from are as follows;
134-1 |
Village Center PDA |
Development |
134-2 |
Main Street/Rte 122 light commercial corridor |
Development |
134-3 |
Commercial Re-use PDA |
Development |
P. Harding suggested taking a closer look at the Main Street / Rte. 122 corridor with a focus on the Industrial Park. She has a meeting scheduled with the Industrial Park Round Table in a month to review possible zone changes. CMRPC stated they could wait for the outcome of this meeting prior to analyzing the site, but she thinks the Board should choose a second location. She suggested the Oriol Health Care Complex. W. Ritter felt outcome of further studying the Oriol Health Care site would be beneficial.
O. Lies motioned to approve the Oriol Health Care Complex as the Priority Development Area to be further studied. D. Lindberg seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.
Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.
SIGN BYLAW: P. Harding edited the Town of Holden’s existing By-law to amend references that were outdated, i.e. sign officer. O Lies mentioned revisiting the topics of flier posted on telephone poles, political signs, electronic signs, A Frame signs and tire racks and inflatable signs. W. Ritter suggested all Board members identify five things the Town should encourage in the sign bylaw and 5 things which should be addressed in the bylaw. The Board has the amendments for review for the next meeting.
Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office.
NEXT MEETING: February 26, 2013
D. Lindberg motioned to adjourn. A. Bonofiglio seconded. All in favor.
Adjourned 8:45 PM.
February 12, 2013 Minutes approved: March 19, 2013
Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary