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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
April 10, 2012
Memorial Town Hall

Members Present:        W. Ritter, D. Lindberg, A. Bonofiglio O. Lies, J. Head

Members Absent: S. Carlson

Others Present: S. Parker, Consultant, Deb Sciascia, Recording Secretary,
Jim Zingarelli, DPW Engineer

7:00 PM:  W. Ritter called the Planning Board meeting to order.

BOND REDUCTION – BULLARD ESTATES:  J. Zingarelli, DPW Engineer, stated in a letter dated March 28, 2012, to the Holden Planning Board, that the bond amount for the subdivision without any construction would be $706,722.19.  This amount has been reduced to $174,838.03 to reflect construction of utilities, detention ponds, and installation of asphalt binder in the roadway.

W. Ritter informed Steve Venincasa, Casa Builders, that he has to request and apply for a Public Hearing for an extension of time.

A. Bonofiglio motioned to reduce the bond from $707,722.19 to $174,838.03, as recommended by J. Zingarelli, DPW.  O. Lies seconded.  All in favor, Vote 5-0, APPROVED.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Bond Reduction, Bullard Estates, Holden, MA.

160 SHREWSBURY ST., ZONE CHANGE:  According to a letter from the Town Managers Office, at the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on April 2, 2012, the Board of Selectmen unanimously voted to include the citizen petition submitted by Roy Fraser on the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting.

The Planning Board is required to have a Public Hearing for this.  W. Ritter asked S. Parker to check with Town Council.

O. Lies motioned to set the Public Hearing for May 8th for a zone change.  J. Head seconded.  Vote 5-0, all in favor.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Zone Change, 160 Shrewsbury Street, Holden, MA.

ZONING MAP CHANGES:  S. Parker informed the Board that CMRPC wasn’t ready yet, there are still more changes.  They should be ready by the end of the week.

A. Bonofiglio motioned to schedule a Public Hearing for the changes to the Zoning Map.  O. Lies seconded.  Vote 5-0, all in favor.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Zoning Map Changes, Holden, MA.

7:15 PM CONTINUATION / PUBLIC HEARING, OPEN SPACE:  This will require the Board of Selectmen’s approval, as well as CMRPC’s.

D. Lindberg motioned to approve the Open Space and Recreation Plan as submitted.  O. Lies seconded.  Vote 5-0, all in favor.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Open Space and Recreation Plan.

REGIONAL HEALTH BOARD GOALS The Planning Board wishes to be informed if there is any new information regarding the regionalization of the Board of Health.  To be continued to the next meeting.

Documents presented during review can be viewed in the Town Planners office:  Central MA Regional Health Board and City of Worcester Department of Public Health, Regional Health District Strategic Goals, dated 10/11/11.

  • January 24, 2012:  O. Lies motioned to approve.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  Vote 5-0, APPROVED.
February 14, 2012:  D. Lindberg motioned to approve.  A. Bonofiglio seconded.  Vote 5-0, APPROVED.
March 13, 2012:  TABLED.

Documents presented during review can be online.

  • John Boyce:  O. Lies asked if S. Parker had heard from John Boyce, and he said ‘yes’.
  • Grant for Technical Assistance:  There is grant money for technical assistance available for Open Space, Main Street, an access study, and regional projects.  The towns of Leicester and Spencer are doing a regional housing study.  There is a Route 495 Metro West Development Plan, and a Route 495 Compact Plan.  The Board requested a copy from the Town Managers office.  To be on the next meeting agenda.
  • Oriole Health Care Building:  A. Bonofiglio asked if anyone has been up to the site yet.  The Board discussed the huge pile of dirt.
W. Ritter thanked Steve Parker for standing in for P. Harding who has been out on leave.  The Planning Board will be going back to two (2) meetings a month.

NEXT MEETING:  May 8, 2012

A. Bonofiglio motioned to adjourn.  O. Lies seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 7:45 PM.

April 10, 2012 minutes approved:                August 7, 2012  

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary