Planning Board Meeting Minutes
September 13, 2011
Memorial Town Hall
Members Present:
W. Ritter, D. Lindberg, A. Bonofiglio, O. Lies, J. Head
Others Present:
P. Harding, Town Planner, Deb Sciascia, Recording Secretary
Dan Hazen, DPW Engineer, Jim Robinson, HMLD
7:00 PM: W. Ritter called the Planning Board meeting to order.
PUBLIC HEARING, Site Plan / Special Permit, 32 Mayo Drive, Nursing Home and Parking Expansion, Holden Nursing Home, Inc.: W. Ritter read the Public Hearing Notice into record.
The presentation was given by Sami Baghdady, Attorney for Oriol Health Care and Nursing Home, who also introduced members of the team: Robert Oriol, President Oriol Health Care, David Oriol, Debby Westerback, Oriol Health Care, Garth Johnson, Cutler Engineering, Mark Beaudry, Meridian Associates, John Boyce, Architect, and Joey Canon, Health Care Advisor.
There are currently two Health Care Campus locations servicing elderly patients with medical needs, The Holden Nursing Home, and the Wachusett Extended Care Facility. The applicant is proposing to construct three additions to the Holden Nursing Home facility and relocate patients with nursing home needs into one building. The nursing home lot is being divided from the remaining facility into a five-acre parcel located predominately in the BO-P district and the remainder of the site, which is not part of this application, retains 20 acres.
Holden Nursing Home currently has 100 beds and the Extended Care facility has 43 beds. After the addition, Holden Nursing Home will have a total of 123 beds, a net decrease of 20 beds. The square footage of the addition will significantly increase from 38,940 square feet to 81,512 square feet. This site is being considered Phase I, the intent is for the applicant to develop a continuing care complex on the remaining 20 acres, though the details for the remaining acreage are not finalized the applicant will be required to submit a Site Plan / Special Permit application once plans are definitive. Because of the net decrease to the egress of the site a traffic report was not required at this time, however any future increased use to the site will trigger this requirement.
There is one new detention pond located on the site on top of a large retaining wall along the frontage of Main Street. The pond will not be visible from Route 122A, however, vegetative buffering is provided.
The parking area is 61 spaces and interior traffic flow will be improved. The applicant has had several meetings with town officials to ensure the project complies with town requirements.
The following are a list of requested waivers;
(i) allow a waiver from the planting of shade trees within interior landscaped islands in the BO-P district.
(ii) A waiver from the requirement of a 5’ side and rear yard setback to consist of a landscaping buffer.
No Public comments.
Board Comments:
- O. Lies thanked Attorney Baghdady for the presentation, and asked the applicant to prepare a Phasing Plan. He asked if there was going to be a traffic study. It is not needed at this time.
- J. Head inquired about traffic flow. Mark Beaudry from Meridian Associates explained the plan for traffic flow.
- P. Harding stated DPW had a request to move the cleanout for the stormwater system so it could be easily accessible by a vacuum truck. The other major concern was pedestrian and traffic flow during construction, the Town will be requiring monthly meetings with public safety officials to ensure accessibility during all phases of construction.
- DPW wants to make sure no water leaches out from the retaining wall on Main Street and requested the detention pond be lined with low permeable material.
DPW, has the drainage calculations. A lighting plan was submitted showing illumination from the site. Signage was discussed, and it is not yet finalized for the site. There is not fencing required around the perimeter of detention pond at this time however the Board would like to reserve the right for this requirement for safety purposes if the pond holds an excessive amount of water.
A. Bonofiglio motioned to close the Public Hearing. J. Head seconded. All in favor.
A. Bonofiglio motioned to approve the Special Permit, reading the draft of conditions into record. J. Head seconded. Vote 5-0, all in favor. APPROVED.
Attorney Baghdady requested a Friendly Amendment to stating the waivers required the Board note a substantial hardship. A. Bonofiglio motioned to approve with the Friendly Amendment.
Attorney Baghdady informed the Board that it would probably be a 16 – 17 month project.
Jim Robinson, Manager Holden Municipal Light Department (HMLD), introduced himself, stating he was led to believe by Dennis Lipka, that there would be room for underground conduit for future use, this was included as a condition of approval.
W. Ritter motioned to amend the conditions adding the applicant consult with the HMLD about installing conduit within the common driveway and the Board reserve the right to require the installation of fencing around the perimeter of the detention pond if it is found a public safety concern exists as a result of standing water.
J. Head seconded. Vote 5-0, all in favor. APPROVED.
Documents presented during review: Decision for the Site Plan Special Permit, Holden Rehabilitation and Nursing Center (These documents can be viewed at the Town Planners Office)
90 Newell Road, The Seasons Development Corporation: Seasons Development Corporation is transferring two parcels of land to an abutter located at 90 Newell Road. No buildable lots are being created and the parcels conform to the frontage and area requirements of the R-1 Zoning District. The plan is entitled to endorsement.
Documents presented during review:
Approval Not Required, The Seasons Development Corp., 90 Newell Rd., Holden, MA, Dated 11/5/10
(These documents can be viewed at the Town Planners Office)
D. Lindberg motioned to endorse the plan. A. Bonofiglio seconded. Vote 5-0, all in favor. APPROVED.
Winter Hill Road, Edward Jardus: Revisions were made to a previously denied ANR in an R-1 Zoning District. The previous notes on the ANR did not satisfactorily address lot line amendments. The revised plan clarifies changes to the lot lines and has been reviewed and approved by the Department of Public Works. The plan was submitted on August 11, 2011, and was endorsed to meet the 21-day voting requirement.
A. Bonofiglio motioned to acknowledge and endorse the plan as submitted. J. Head seconded. Vote 5-0, all in favor. APPROVED.
Documents presented during review:
Approval Not Required, Ed Jardus, Plan of Land, Winter Hill Rd., Holden MA, Dated 6/30/11
(These documents can be viewed at the Town Planners Office)
- CMRPC: Judy Haran was appointed as a delegate to the CMRPC by the Planning Board, and has not been participating. The person appointed should not be a member of the Planning Board. They would be required to meet with CMRPC for four meetings a year. P. Harding will send W. Ritter the criteria for the position, and also will send a letter to Judy Haran to see if she is retiring from CMRPC.
NEXT MEETING: September 27, 2011, Solar Panel Fields By-Law
- P. Harding will be requesting to attend the Industrial Park meeting once it is scheduled.
A. Bonofiglio motioned to adjourn. J. Head seconded. All in favor.
Adjourned 8:07 PM.
September 13, 2011 Minutes approved: October 25, 2011
Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary