Planning Board Meeting Minutes
December 13, 2011
Memorial Town Hall
Members Present: W. Ritter, D. Lindberg, A. Bonofiglio, O. Lies, J. Head, S. Carlson
Others Present: P. Harding, Town Planner, Deb Sciascia, Recording Secretary
J. Zingarelli, DPW Engineer
7:00 PM: W. Ritter called the Planning Board meeting to order.
GROUND MOUNTED SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC INSTALLATION BYLAW: At the last meeting solar glare generated from fields was discussed. P. Harding did some research, and the solar panels are designed with an anti-reflective layer to reduce glare. The solar panels absorb around 70% of the sunlight. For comparison a vegetated grass slope reflect 25%. It would be beneficial to include the submission of a solar glare study and language to ensure any negative impacts after installation are remedied. Examples of suggested language to add to the Bylaw include;
- Documentation on the direction, intensity, and effect of solar glare to abutting properties.
If solar glare creates an unreasonable off-site impact, as determined by the Planning Board, mitigation may be required, including additional vegetative screening or repositioning of the panels.
J. Zingarelli, DPW, thinks that drainage should be included on a site plan under required documents.
The next step would be a Public Hearing and recommendation to Town Meeting.
S. Carlson asked if the town has any protection after they’re built. He was informed that there would be a removal bond.
Documents presented during review:
Large-Scale Ground Mounted Solar Photovoltaic By-law Draft.
(This document can be viewed at the Town Planners Office)
DESIGN REVIEW GUIDELINES / Zoning Amendment: At the last meeting the Board requested the reference to surrounding historic structures be amended. Alternative language includes;
- The style of architecture of new construction should complement the predominant style of existing historic buildings in the vicinity.
- The style of architecture of new construction should complement the predominant style of
existing historic buildings surrounding small town New England character architecture in the vicinity.
- The style of architecture of new construction should complement the predominant style of existing
historic buildings in the vicinity.
(j) can also be completely deleted because of the similar requirements found in the following guideline:
- New structures should be finished on the exterior with composition, and architectural details that are consistent with the architectural style predominant in the vicinity.
(k) New structures should be finished on the exterior with composition, and architectural details that are consistent with small town New England style architecture .
The Planning Board discussion led to deleting ‘j’, and keeping the first ‘(k)’.
Documents presented during review:
Zoning ByLaw Section XI., J.3.g. can be viewed at the Town Planners Office
CMRPC DELEGATES: The town still has a vacancy for a Planning Board delegate on the CMRPC.
O. Lies said the town may lose the opportunity to gain points. If there is any interest, they can get in touch with P. Harding.
A. Bonofiglio asked if anyone showed any interest in joining the Planning Board. They can also get in touch with P. Harding.
CMRPC DLTA / Technical Assistance Application: Technical assistance applications have been released by CMRPC. The program seeks regional projects, which can achieve measurable goals by December 2012.
P. Harding informed the Board that the Selectmen did approve the regionalizing of the Board of Health. The Regional recycling center may also qualify.
Documents presented during review:
Memorandum, Dated December 1, 2011 from Megan T. DiPrete, CDAP Program Manager, to CMRPC Community Representatives and Other Local Officials.
(This document can be viewed at the Town Planners Office)
WINGSPAN ESTATES BOND REDUCTION: At the last meeting the bond was reduced to $42,215.86. The following day final paving was installed which qualified the applicant for a further reduction to $29,54.95. The Letter of Credit expires in December and a new Letter Of Credit in the reduced bond amount must be provided.
D. Lindberg motioned to approve. A. Bonofiglio seconded. All in favor, vote 6-0, APPROVED.
Documents presented during review:
Bond calculation worksheet, prepared by Jim Zingarelli, dated November 16, 2011
(This document can be viewed at the Town Planners Office)
ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS RECOMMENDATION,-R-10 Zoning District, Variance, 17 Birch Hill Rd.: Robert and Nancy Kielinen applied to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a variance from the 30’ front yard setback requirement to allow a 24’ front yard setback for the construction of a farmers porch. The application was included in the last packet for the November meeting. The ZBA hearing for this item is being conducted on December 8, 2011, so a recommendation will not be made by the Planning Board.
CHAPTER 61A RELEASE, Lot 3, Chapin Road, George F. Howatt, Trustee, Chapin Road Trust, 4 Acres: The owner has withdrawn their request to remove this property from Chapter 61A classification, no Town action is needed.
APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED, JZ Enterprises, LLC, R-10 Zoning District, 420 Main Street: The applicant is creating three lots, one will maintain the single family home and two will become buildable lots in the R-10 Zoning District. All lots have the required area and frontage. A locus map was added to the Plan and the ANR was endorsed due to the 21 day time limitation.
J. Head motioned to approve. A. Bonofiglio seconded. All in favor, Vote 5-0, APPROVED.
Documents presented during review:
Approval Not Required, J.Z. Enterprises, LLC, 42 Zottoliell Rd., Holden, MA, 01520, Dated November 4, 2011.
(These documents can be viewed at the Town Clerks Office)
- P. Harding will be out February, March and April on maternity leave. The Planning Board agreed to meet once a month. W. Ritter recommended the second Tuesday of the month. February 14, March 13, and April 10.
- Scott Carlson: Was introduced as the new member of the Planning Board.
- CMRPC: O. Lies informed the Board that CMRPC applied for a grant. Clark University tried to turn the project into a social engineering project.
- Site Plan Approval: The applicant will need 5 members. S. Carlson will be absent at the January 10th meeting, but can still sign due to the Mullins Rule. An approval required a super majority, 5 out of 6 members.
NEXT MEETING: January 10 & 24, 2012
A. Bonofiglio motioned to adjourn. D. Lindberg seconded. All in favor.
Adjourned 7:35 PM.
December 13, 2011 Minutes approved: January 24, 1012
Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary