Planning Board Meeting Minutes
November 9, 2010
Memorial Town Hall
Members Present:
D. Lindberg, W. Ritter, O. Lies, A. Bonofiglio, M. Wronski (7:10 pm), Jeffrey Head (7:10 pm)
Others Present:
P. Harding, Town Planner, D. Sciascia, Recording Secretary
Anthony Renzoni, Rick Shields, Ed Starkus, A. Berg (7:35 pm), & Jim Burke (7:35 pm), Master Plan Implementation Committee
7:00 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order by D. Lindberg.
MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION: Anthony Renzoni, Rick Shields and Ed Starkus were in attendance to discuss implementation items assigned to the Planning Board.
Ed Starkus addressed the Board asking if the Implementation Committee should bring tasks up to the Planning Board if something isn’t getting done. P. Harding said the IC should keep a log if something is not being done.
There was a discussion of who is the ‘keeper’ of the Master Plan.
Ed Starkus said that the Eagle Lake issue would not be acted on. P. Harding recommended that each committee submit an outline of what and why items are being done or not. Discussion and review of the Planning Board’s list of items was distributed to all. P. Harding stated that the list is from the entire Planning Board Chapter. Each of the ‘In-Process Planning Board Implementation Items’ was reviewed.
There is $50,000 available to aide the Planning Board in the Implementation, for example ‘Design Guidelines’.
W. Ritter recommended looking at #1 & 3 for the Main Street corridor. He stated that By-laws are expensive to plan, and require the services of Town Council, and does get expensive, as does any professional help.
Ed Starkus asked to be informed when the Planning Board sets its yearly goals in January.
O. Lies recommended reviewing a few of the items directly from the Master Plan. In regards to ‘Design Guidelines’, the Planning Board needs to beef up the language to reflect something more specific.
O. Lies said there was a Main Street Committee that had guidelines of what the buildings should look like, and there were actually brochures printed about 10 years ago. P. Harding will look to see if she can find a copy of one.
Documents presented during review:
Implementation of the Master Plan, Planning Board Summary
(These documents can be viewed at the Planning Board office)
MUSCHOPAUGE ROAD, James and Jeanne Dunn: The lot is currently a 37.32 acre parcel. The Applicant is creating a three-acre lot with the existing single-family house and barn, located in the R-1 zoning district. The second lot is vacant property and is 34.32 acres. Both lots meet the area and frontage requirements of the R-1 and R-40 Zoning District.
O. Lies motioned to approve as submitted. W. Ritter seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor. APPROVED.
Documents presented during review:
Approval Not Required, James A. & Jeanne W. Dunn, 199 Muschopauge Road, Holden, MA, dated October 14, 2010.
(This document can be viewed at the Town Clerk’s Office)
W. Ritter recused himself at 8:30 pm for the Walgreens discussion.
NEXT MEETING: November 30, 2010 and December 14, 2010. Scheduled for review are design guidelines and scope of work for stormwater. P. Harding will check into what other towns are doing for design guidelines.
REVIEW OF WALGREENS TRAFFIC REPORT AND CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: No response to the violation letter of the lighting conditions has been received. The Traffic and Circulation Committee reviewed the status report at their November 4, 2010 meeting. Walgreens can be brought in for a Public Hearing and their Special Permit could be revoked.
CMPRC: O. Lies informed the Board that there will be a presentation on November 18th at CMRPC about Division of Open Government.
A. Bonofiglio motioned to adjourn. M. Wronski seconded. All in favor.
Adjourned 8:55 PM.
November 9, 2010 Minutes approved: January 11, 2011
Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary