Planning Board Meeting Minutes
October 28, 2008
1196 Main Street, Town Hall
Members Present: C. Stanovich, D. Lindberg, R. Ricker, O. Lies, W. Ritter, Al Bonofiglio
Members Absent: C. Prager
Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary
7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.
MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION: The Master Plan Committee conducted their final meeting on October 21, 2008. The Committee, in a letter to the Town Manager, has recommended that by December 1st, a member of each of the following be appointed to the Implementation Committee; Master Plan Committee, Planning Board, Finance Committee, Board of Selectmen, and Town Staff. A copy of the Phase I top priorities were given to the Board for review.
D. Lindberg discussed volunteering to stay on the Committee, since he has already spent 2 years working with the plan. The Board was in agreement.
O. Lies asked who would represent Town Staff. P. Harding stated that it has not been discussed yet, but she assumed it would be her. O. Lies was concerned that she was wearing so many hats, doing 5 other committees, that the Planning Board could possibly be neglected.
W. Ritter asked if the Board could do anything to help her. R. Ricker disagreed with O. Lies stating that P. Harding does not put the Planning Board second. D. Lindberg was of the opinion that P. Harding has worked for two years on the Master Plan and should continue to do so, and to let her talk to D. Lipka about Town Staff.
W. Ritter asked if the Chairman could make a call to D. Lipka.
WALGREENS. 1145 Main Street: The Board has a letter from an arborist regarding the two trees at the corner of Holt and Main Street. The letter states that both the maple and spruce are unhealthy and may pose a public safety risk. There is a condition in the plan to leave the trees, and any change to the site plan needs to go before the Board. This would be a diminutive change, not requiring a public hearing.
The Historical Committee has approved the removal of the trees, if checked by an arborist.
A. Bonofiglio suggested putting one new tree at the site of the indentation. R. Ricker stated that they should leave it to the arborist to see what he recommends.
R. Ricker motioned to defer this to an arborist and that the applicant approach the Board with a design of the new planting. D. Lindberg seconded. W. Ritter abstained from the vote. Vote 5-0, all in favor.
D. Lindberg recommended a friendly amendment that the sidewalk be put back where it should be because of the snowplows. R. Ricker seconded. W. Ritter abstained. Vote 5-0, approved.
R. Ricker motioned to approve the motion with the amendment. D. Lindberg seconded. W. Ritter abstained. Vote 5-0, approved.
REVIEW OF POST OFFICE PLAN: They are adding a 60 SF vestibule in front. There is no site plan, this was brought before the Planning Board for informational purposes only. This plan is a ZBA case. O. Lies is still concerned with the placement of the mailboxes, and exiting from the rear of the building into the ‘in’ lane of the bank. He was told that this is only temporary.
September 23, 2008: O. Lies made a change, stating that he would like to see the post office site plan. W. Ritter motioned to approve with the change. R. Ricker seconded. D. Lindberg abstained from the vote. Vote 5-0, approved.
Open Space and Recreation Plan: A meeting was held October 8, 2008. By statute it has to be approved by an Open Space and Recreation Committee. This was an update from 2004, updates are required every 5 years.
Asian Longhorn Beatles: None have actually been found in Holden, but the area has not been surveyed yet. The current plan is to only remove infected trees, and chemically treat surrounding host trees.
NEXT MEETING: November 18, 2008, at 7:30 PM at the Town Hall.
R. Ricker motioned to adjourn. D. Lindberg seconded. All in favor.
Adjourned 8:10 PM.
Wingspan Definitive Subdivision
Greenwood II Definitive Subdivision
October 28, 2008, minutes approved: December 16, 2008
Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary