Planning Board Meeting Minutes
January 8, 2008
1196 Main Street Town Hall
Members Present: C. Stanovich, R. Ricker, D. Lindberg, C. Prager, O. Lies, W. Ritter, Al Bonofiglio
Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary
7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.
W. Ritter motioned to elect C. Stanovich Chairman. R. Ricker seconded. All in favor.
R. Ricker motioned to elect D. Lindberg Vice Chairman. C. Prager seconded. O. Lies abstained. Approved.
R. Ricker motioned to elect C. Prager Secretary. W. Ritter seconded. All in favor.
7:30 p.m. SITE PLAN SPECIAL PERMIT, Retirement Community, Village at Westminster Place, Extension of Time: A. Bonofiglio recused himself from the hearing. There are two public hearings on this matter: The revocation of the special permit, and an extension of the special permit.
Revocation of Special Permit: The paving of Newell Road and Main/Newell intersection improvements are complete.
Public Comments:
• Karl Makela, 60 Newell Rd: Submitted photos to the Board addressing concrete barriers, a dead tree, the lack of yellow lines, and requested the extension of the sidewalk. He was told that the jersey barriers may belong to the town, and the applicant is not responsible for them or the yellow lines. O. Lies recommended the applicant work with the Town to remove the jersey barriers.
W. Ritter motioned to close the Public Hearing for the 'revocation of the special permit'. C. Prager seconded. All in favor, vote 6-0. W. Ritter motioned not to revoke the special permit. C. Prager seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.
Extension of Time: This is a request for an extension of the previous site plan/special permit approval. The Planning Board typically grants two-year extensions. The original hearing was scheduled for November 13, 2007, continued to December 11, and continued to January 8. Both continuances were due to lack of a quorum. 125 units were approved and 16 building permits have been issued.
Karl Makela, 60 Newell Rd: Issue with the sidewalk. W. Ritter informed him that the property is privately owned, and is not inclined to require such a significant project three years after approval. P. Harding said there are wetland issues and a culvert involved, and would not be inclined to ask the developer to change the site plans.
Endre Hollosi addressed the Board regarding plowing the sidewalks.
C. Prager would like the extension limited to one year until January 10, 2009. R. Ricker motioned to close the public hearing, C. Prager seconded. W. Ritter motioned to approve the extension with the following conditions:
If construction is not completed by January 10, 2009, the applicant must apply for an extension of time or approval will be automatically revoked. Construction shall refer to the completion of all common area utilities, drainage and off site improvements. Once construction is complete the applicant must notify the Holden Planning Board and the Board must issue a Certificate of Completion once all conditions have been satisfied.
Condition #49 All haybales and silt fencing along Newell Road must be removed within ninety (90) days.
Condition #50 Loaming, seeding and the required buffering must be evaluated in the Spring by the DPW Engineer and/or the Department of Growth Management. If it is determined additional loaming and seeding is required, the applicant must complete this work within 30 days of notification to the satisfaction of the notifying party.
Condition #51 the applicant shall work cooperatively with the DPW to move or repair the jersey barriers located on Newell Road.
Condition #52 The Developer is responsible for maintaining and plowing the sidewalk in front of the project located on Newell Road until the projects completion.
All in favor of the extension with conditions. Vote 6-0.
PUBLIC HEARING Definitive Subdivision Wingspan Estates: R. Ritter recused himself from the hearing. A. Bonofiglio rejoined the meeting. R. Ricker submitted an affidavit that he has reviewed testimony from the previous hearing. Engineering has no comments, and further evaluation of the stormwater calculations has allowed the size of the detention pond to be reduced. The only outstanding item is a planting buffer for the detention pond. The applicant is requesting two waivers and an appendix from the Subdivision Control Regulations.
Jeff Howland, Graves Engineering representing the applicant for the applicant from Wingspan, and discussed the draft of revisions to the detention basins. They have received approval from Conservation.
C. Prager questioned the waiver for the requested road slopes. P. Harding will make note of the percent changes of the slopes transitions. R. Ricker noted for the record, that he is still against Conservation's prohibition of underground detention basins.
R. Ricker motioned to close the Public Hearing. C. Prager seconded. C. Prager motioned to grant three waivers as depicted on the attached decision. R. Ricker seconded the motion. All in favor. R. Ricker motioned to approve the subdivision with all conditions included in an eight page draft. Neither abutters or the applicant were opposed to waiving the reading of these conditions. C. Prager seconded. All in favor 6-0.
SITE PLAN SPECIAL PERMIT, Walgreens Richmond Company: R. Ricker submitted a signed affidavit under the Mullins Rule affirming that testimony from a missed hearing on November 27, 2007, that was reviewed. The applicant agreed to pay for traffic peer review services. Doug Prentiss from Nitsch Engineering conducted the review and addressed the Board. Mr. Prentiss discussed the drive up window and four parking spaces located at the drive thru lane terminus, conflicting movement from parking spaces to the east of the site, crosswalks, ramps and the need for the applicant to copy the Board on all Mass Highway on all correspondence. Mr. Nitsch also recommended a separate sign and marking plan. R. Ricker asked him if anything was lacking in the sign and pavement marking. He stated all the information was on the plan but the
plan was difficult to read due to all of the information contained on one page. C. Stanovich inquired about relocating 9 parking spaces. R. Ricker discussed banking of 8 parking spaces, and another 5 spaces. The Town By-Laws rule how many parking spaces are needed, only 20% may be waived by the Planning Board. Ray Remillard stated that the applicant would like to maintain 65 parking spaces.
Public Comments:
• Karin Green, 46 Walnut St: Said the applicant should reconsider the size of the building. Also has concerns with travel on Main St. D. Prentiss has reviewed and agrees with the traffic study. Main Street is congested.
• Louise Hugo, 49 Highland St: Has issues with traffic coming in from other towns.
• Steve Dubrule, 25 Laurelwood Dr: Issues with hours of operation.
• Lance Lazar, 59 Bancroft Rd: Addressed the Board, recommending a reduction in the building size. Also has issues with the parking spaces. C. Stanovich asked him to summarize his comments, most of his issues have already been reviewed.
• Bob Michaud, the applicants traffic engineer addressed police detail issues.
• Susan Ceccacci, 360 Causeway St: Addressed the Board regarding banking parking spaces and the process to unbank them.
• Brian, a resident on Brewer Rd: Discussed the number of parking spaces.
• Lance Lazar, 59 Bancroft Rd: Massachusetts Historical Commission review. C. Stanovich stated that this Board does not have any jurisdiction over that review but if the Historical Commission required a change in plans, the applicant is required to return to the Planning Board for their approval.
• Karin Green, 46 Walnut St: Inquired as to who has the final jurisdiction for enforcement. C. Stanovich informed her that the developer must go to each individual agency for approval.
• Susan Ceccacci, 360 Causeway St: Thinks the Board should take into consideration the Historic District.
• Lance Lazar, 59 Bancroft Rd: Felt the Board should take into consideration the Historic District and traffic problems.
• Ken O'Brien, 391 Salisbury St: Inquired about banking parking spaces, and how the number of spaces were determined and reduced, and was informed that the Town By-Laws govern the number of parking spaces required by use.
Robert Longden, Bowditch & Dewey, representing the applicant, reviewed his letter dated November 27, 2007, to P. Harding regarding issues for the site plan approval. O. Lies would like TCC to review the issues again.
• Steve Dubrule, 25 Laurelwood Dr: Recommended placing a conifer tree at one corner. Also concerned with lighting, and recommended historic district appropriate lighting.
Robert Longden, believes that if three different businesses opened up on these properties, the traffic could be worse.
R. Ricker motioned to close the Public Hearing. D. Lindberg seconded. All in favor.
R. Ricker would like to see 5 parking spaces eliminated across from the building. C. Prager recommended a 20% reduction in parking spaces. P. Harding made a recommendation to realign three parking spaces and designate the four by the drive-thru as employee only.
R. Ricker motioned to re-open the Public Hearing. A. Bonofiglio seconded. C. Stanovich opposed. Vote 5-1. Approved.
Robert Longden said they would not be willing to redesign the building again or reduction the square footage.
• Karin Green, 46 Walnut St: Said the Board seems to be at an impasse.
• Steve Dubrule, 25 Laurelwood Dr: Said there should be more research done regarding the parking.
• Lance Lazar, 59 Bancroft Rd: State that he believes 20% reduction in parking is within the By-Laws.
A. Bonofiglio motioned to close the Public Hearing. R. Ricker seconded for discussion. The Board discussed lighting issues with the applicant. R. Ricker motioned to close the Public Hearing. D. Lindberg seconded. R. Ricker motioned to approve the draft of conditions with changes read into record. O. Lies amended the motion the eliminate 3 more parking spaces with approval by the Planning Board. The applicant must provide the Board with copies of all correspondence from Mass Highway and the Massachusetts Historical Commission prior to any building permits. Vote 6-0, all in favor, approved.
ZBA Recommendation, 789 Wachusett Street: The applicant is seeking a special permit to expand on the existing storage facility. C. Prager motioned for no planning significance. D. Lindberg seconded. All in favor.
Meeting Minutes:
• September 25, 2007: Tables due to lack of quorum.
• November 13, 2007: C. Prager motioned to approve. D. Lindberg seconded. C. Stanovich and R. Ricker abstained. Vote 5-0, approved.
• December 11, 2007: C. Prager motioned to approve. R. Ricker seconded. C. Stanovich and D. Lindberg abstained. Vote 5-0, approved.
NEXT MEETING: January 22, 2008 at 7:30 PM at the Memorial Town Hall.
R. Ricker motioned to adjourn. D. Lindberg seconded. All in favor.
Adjourned 11:40 PM
January 8, 2008 minutes approved: January 22, 2008
Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary