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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
December 16, 2008
1196 Main Street, Town Hall

Members Present:C. Stanovich, D. Lindberg, R. Ricker, O. Lies, C. Prager, W. Ritter, Al Bonofiglio

Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

PUBLIC HEARING, Definitive Subdivision, Alden Woods, Extension of Time: C. Stanovich read the Public Hearing notice into record. C. B. Blair Builders, is applying for an extension of time for the Alden Woods Phase I definitive subdivision. The town is ready to accept the streets, after the punch list is complete, and the streets will likely be on the May Town Meeting Warrant article for acceptance. Alden Woods is near completion. December 2009 is the recommended extension of time.

• William Foresman, 336 Wachusett St.: Has problems with water run off onto his property.

Clealand Blair said he had problems with drainage off Wachusett Street. He would be happy to address W. Foresman's water problems.

R. Ricker motioned to close the Public Hearing. C. Prager seconded. R. Ricker motioned to approve the extension of time with the draft of conditions read into record, adding 'a meeting Blair and W. Foresman within 30 days'. C. Prager seconded. Vote 7-0, all in favor.

Deer Run Subdivision, Review of Status: Several abutters submitted complaints regarding the Deer Run Subdivision. P. Harding read into record, a letter to GM Bergeron, representing information/tasks the Board has requested. Many of the loam piles have been reduced, catch basins are installed, and fencing was installed around the perimeter of the detention ponds. Now that paving is complete, dust will be greatly reduced. The wall is near completion, but the slopes have not been stabilized yet.

Gerry Bergeron addressed the Board stating that crushing will start next week, and should take six (6) weeks to complete. All the piles will be used on site. The piles were sprayed with a tactifier. The piles have since grown in size. He explained what he was doing with the piles of topsoil, recommending leaving the piles alone because he has no place to spread them out without conducting additional clearing.

G. Bergeron address each issue of DPW's letter of October 3, 2008. The stump grinding will be done in two (2) days. He will secure the area (perimeter of the piles) with a safety fence this week. It will take 6 weeks to complete the punch list if the weather is good, 10 weeks if bad.

W. Ritter: Asked Bergeron about the time line for the site work issues.

C. Prager: aid the tall piles of dirt was a safety issue, and needs a fence around it. P. Harding stated that the dust is likely caused by the roadway and trucks, not the dirt piles.

O. Lies: Was not at the last meeting, and has received messages from residents with complaints. He inquired if there was any way to speed up the 6 weeks of rock crushing. D. Lindberg said that it was better to do the crushing through the winter when the neighbor's windows were closed.

R. Ricker: Asked Bergeron how many yards he had to crush. He said about 5,000 yards, and processed just once, all on-site materials. R. Ricker asked for a more definitive timeline. Bergeron said it would be about 30 working days, which could be spread out over a longer period of time. R. Ricker said that no subdivision gets built in three years, and he would hope for a more amiable relationship between Bergeron and the neighbors.

A. Bonofiglio: Would appreciate the attention to rock crushing during the wintertime, weather permitting.

C. Prager: Asked if hiring a second rock crusher would help speed up the crushing? Bergeron stated that it would be too expensive at $3,000 a day.

W. Ritter: Stated that the Board cannot regulate how he runs his businesses, but to get the major construction work done now and start building houses.

R. Ricker asked J. Zingarelli if this subdivision is running as the others are. He said that Bergeron is trying to do the work himself instead of hiring a contractor. Because of the cost of fuel, more contractors are doing work on site, and he thinks Bergeron is doing the best he can, and believes he has put in a good effort.

• Richard Lakus, 31 Sandy Glen Dr.: Said that there is a constant site preparation, and to just get the work done. G. Bergeron said that he thinks R. Lakus and his wife are the 2 nicest people he's dealt with over there, and thanked him for his patience.

• Patty Lahey, 41 Steppingstone Dr.: Asked about the time for rock crushing, and who monitors the work time frame. She stated that there has been one person working on the project, and to move it along.

R. Ricker: State that when Bergeron comes up for renewal in June, the Board will take what has been done into consideration, with an opportunity to review again.

G. Bergeron said he is operating with four (4) people, and has taken on a subcontractor, and a contractor to do sewer work.

Wachusett Woods: An information public meeting was conducted for the six affordable units located within the Wachusett Woods Subdivision. The meeting was conducted at the Holden Housing Authority and was attended by the Holden Housing Director, the builder, property owner, two mortgage brokers, and P. Harding. Approximately 20 potential applicants attended the meeting. The deadline for applications is January 5, 2009, and the lottery will be conducted on January 20, 2009.

ANR - 502 Malden St.: The applicant is looking to exchange a small parcel of backland with the Department of Conservation and Recreation, no new lots were being created. W. Ritter motioned to approve. A. Bonofiglio seconded. All in favor, approved.

• October 28, 2008: R. Ricker motioned to approve with a spelling change. D. Lindberg seconded. Vote 5-0, approved. C. Prager abstained from the vote.

This is C. Prager's last meeting. C. Stanovich and all members of the Board thanked her for years of service.
O. Lies: Asked about the lighting issues at Holden Hills. He also asked about the sidewalks on Newell Road, and P. Harding said part of the sidewalk is located in the Town right of way, it is in the special permit decision that the applicant is responsible for plowing the sidewalks. He informed the Board that CMRPC has 43 requests for assistance.

NEXT MEETING: January 13, 2009, at 7:30 PM at the Town Hall.

C. Prager motioned to adjourn. A. Bonofiglio seconded. All in favor.

Adjourned 9:00 PM.

December 16, 2008 minutes approved: March 24, 2009

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary