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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
November 27, 2007
1196 Main Street Town Hall

Members Present:        C. Stanovich, O. Lies, C. Prager, W. Ritter, D. Lindberg, Al Bonofiglio

Members Absent:          R. Ricker

Others Present:              Pamela Harding, Senior Planner

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

7:30 p.m. WINGSPAN ESTATES, DEFINITIVE SUBDIVISION/WINGSPAN PROPERTIES, LLC, 65-71 MAIN STREET:  W. Ritter recused himself from the hearing.  The Board reviewed a waiver request from grading of the roadway.  A staff meeting was conducted on November 15th with the applicant.  An acceptable solution for all parties was reached regarding the slope at the intersection of the cul de sac and Main Street.  The applicant will propose a 2% grade for 100’ in lieu of a 3% grade for 300’ and an 8% grade for 200’ (below the 10%) with a 5% grade at the cul de sac.  The applicant is still revising the plans.

Graves Engineering gave a presentation to the Board, addressing various waivers.  Quail Run has the same grades as proposed for Wingspan.  There are no records of accidents at the intersection of Quail Run and Main Street.

The actual depth to the basin is about 4’.  They will be allowed to maintain existing vegetation as a buffer.

Public Comments:
S. Mita, 4 Quail Run:  Issues with sidewalk on Quail Run, and have been reviewed by Graves Engineering.  Also has issues with a tree being removed or replaced, and was upset about a water main break and plates on Main St.

7:40 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING SITE PLAN/SPECIAL PERMIT, Cardinal Realty Trust, 456 Main Street:  A revised set of plans were submitted on 11/19/07.  The plans addressed outstanding items.  The applicant chose not to utilize permeable pavement, plantings were added behind Jed’s utilizing white pines 6-8’ tall planted ten feet on center, the site distances were confirmed.  The Town requested the Zottoli Road driveway be constricted to one way into the site, the applicant agreed and presented revised plans.
W. Ritter motioned to approve the plan with the following conditions;

Approval is based upon plans dated July, 2007 with revisions dated November 16, 2007 and November 27, 2007 entitled Zoning Compliance and Permitting Plan 456 Main Street, prepared for Cardinal Realty Trust prepared by Places Site Consultants, Inc. (and revisions required as part of this approval).
This approval incorporates a letter dated November 6, 2007 addressed to Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, from Randy Swigor, Water and Sewer Superintendent.
Town Counsel must approve all easements prior to the issuance of a building permit.

This approval requires building construction in accordance with architectural drawings dated 8/29/07 prepared by Morton Buildings, Inc and the accompanying colored plans.
A certificate of completion or an extension of time must be granted by December 15, 2009 or this approval will be automatically revoked.

The Zottoli Road driveway must be one way into the site, the connecting driveway to the west of the proposed building must be labeled one way as shown.

O. Lies seconded, motioned unanimously approved, 6-0.

8:00 p.m. Walgreens, Richmond Company, David Kaplan: No additional information has been received.  Comments from the TCC were reviewed by the Board.  P. Harding met with the applicant’s attorney to review outstanding items.

It was noted that W. Ritter recused himself from the meeting, and R. Ricker is absent.  The applicant chose to conduct the public hearing, and continue the hearing for discussion purposes only, with the option to utilize the Mullin’s Rule for the public hearing on January 8, 2008.

Robert Longden, attorney for the applicant, addressed the Board regarding a letter dated 11/27/07, responding to comments from the last public hearing.  The Board did not want to discuss new information that was presented at the public hearing, but agreed to let the applicant present minor items.

Hours of operation are Monday – Saturday 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM, and Sunday 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Robert Longden, reviewed the TCC suggestions.  Mr. Longden acknowledged that the applicant will have to file with the National Trust for Historic Preservation but the Planning Board did not have jurisdiction over this matter and the applicant is required to return to the Board with any changes to the approved plans.

Maryann Brockelman, 127 Highland St:  Prefers to have traffic issues addressed now, not after the fact.

Lance Lazar, 59 Bancroft Rd:  Stated that police detail after the opening is addressing the matter too late.  He emphasized that TCC stated they have serious concerns regarding traffic conditions.  L Lazar encouraged peer review of traffic conditions while MHC review is being conducted.

Susan Ceccacci, 360 Causeway St:  Has sidewalk concerns, and would like to preserve the trees along Main St. because landscaping is important.

C. Prager stated that traffic is a concern and would like a peer review of the traffic concerns.

O. Lies agreed with C. Prager.  TCC has a lot of concerns, and would like to see a situation where they don’t need a permanent police detail.
Bonofiglio, no comments.

Robert Longden, stated the applicant met with TCC on two occasions and TCC did not feel a peer review was necessary.

L. Lazar, 59 Bancroft Rd:  Stated that the ZBA did not review traffic during the variance proceedings for Walgreens.  R. Longdon disagreed with this statement.

C. Stanovich stated that they would address the peer review of traffic items at the next meeting.  P. Harding suggested making a decision as soon as possible because obtaining peer consultants requires a significant amount of time.

D. Lindberg stated that the Planning Board has historically relied heavily on TCC recommendations and a peer review was not recommended, he did not see the need.

Al Bonofilgio stated that he was not sure any beneficial information would result in having the traffic report reviewed.

O. Lies has very serious concerns, and stated that it is up to the Board to decide what to do, and asked what they will get out of the report.

A. Bonofiglio was also not sure what they would get out of the report.

Maryann Brockelman, 127 Highland St:  Stated “Why not be safe than sorry”.
Edward Weathersbee, 51 Laurelwood Rd:  Stated that a peer review would eliminate questions.
Lance Lazar, 59 Bancroft Rd:  He would normally expect a town to conduct a peer review for a project like this.  He discussed a peer review and traffic.

C. Prager motioned have a peer review of the traffic report.  O. Lies seconded.  Craig Stanovich voted in favor of the traffic report.  D. Lindberg and A. Bonofiglio opposed.  C. Prager made a motion to grant the written request to continue the Public Hearing to January 8, 2008, with a deadline for filing of the decision with the Town Clerk by January 15, 2008.  O. Lies seconded, all in favor.

Zoning Board Recommendations Variance, 443 Quinapoxet Street, Peter and Nancy Narioan:  The applicant is seeking a variance from the exterior side yard setback requirement of 30’ for a corner to allow a 22’ setback for construction of an addition.  C. Prager motioned there was no planning significance.  O. Lies seconded, all in favor.

Variance, 1565 Main St., Peter Hill:  The applicant is seeking a variance to allow a hair salon in a residential-1 zoning district.  The business would be located in an existing structure.  C. Prager motioned there was no planning significance.  O. Lies seconded, all in favor.

Meeting Minutes:
September 11, 2007:  Tabled to next meeting.
September 25, 2007:  Tabled to next meeting.
October 9, 2007:  Tabled to next meeting.

Holden Hills:  C. Prager asked about the lighting at Holden Hill condominiums.  P. Harding stated that she would discuss the situation with the Director of the Light Department.

NEXT MEETING:  December 11, 2007, at 7:30 PM. at the Memorial Town Hall.

W. Ritter motioned to adjourn.  C. Prager seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned 10:00 PM.

November 27, 2007 minutes approved:      January 22, 2008

Debra A. Sciascia, Recording Secretary