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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
November 14, 2006
Memorial Town Hall

Members Present:        C. Stanovich, R. Ricker, O. Lies, C. Prager, W. Ritter, D. Lindberg

Others Present:    Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.


600 Mannning Street, Christ Bolster:  This is in a R-40 zoning district.  This is the site of a previously approved definitive subdivision.  An abutter is purchasing a strip of frontage and backland and the single family home is being divided from the parcel.  The plan is entitled to endorsement.  R. Ricker motioned to approve.  W. Ritter seconded.  All in favor, vote 6-0.

Sunnyside Avenue, Steven Puffer:  This is in a R-10 zoning district.  The applicant is creating one lot, and the plan is entitled to endorsement.  R. Ricker motioned to approve.  C. Prager seconded.  All in favor, vote 6-0.

PUBLIC HEARING contd – Special Permit Definitive Subdivision, Hill Woods Condominiums:  The Board has the revised plans for the detention area, and comments from Quinn Engineering.  Carl Hultgren, Engineer, was  present at the meeting to answer questions.  The project is ready for approval and a draft of the decision will be prepared for both the special permit and the definitive subdivision.

The applicant explained some of the revised plans for the Board.  Carl Hultgren, PE, asked if he was ok with the revised plans.

R. Ricker motioned to close the Public Hearing.  C. Prager seconded.  C. Stanovich abstained from the vote.  Vote 5-0.

The draft of the ‘subdivision waiver of conditions’ was distributed to the abutters.  R. Ricker moved to approve as drafted and distributed November 14, 2006, and read Special Permit waivers and conditions into record.  C. Prager seconded for discussion.  A fire hydrant was added to the plan.  The applicant stated that there were 2 affordable units.  C. Stanovich abstained from the vote.  All in favor, vote 5-0.

Special Permit:  Board read the draft of ‘Finding of Fact for Site Plan’.  R. Ricker motioned to approve the Special Permit Site Plan’ review.  W. Ritter seconded.  C. Stanovich abstained from the vote.  All in favor, vote 5-0.

ZBA RECOMMENDATIONS – Special Permit, 7 Colonial Road:  Keith and Heidi Adams are proposing a Day Care in a R-10 zoning district.  This application will be required to seek site plan approval from the Planning Board.  W. Ritter motioned no action, and to follow through the judiciary process.  R. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

The Board discussed a child care business on Chapel Street, and concluded that they needed to go through the same process.

SPECIAL PERMIT / VARIANCE – 271 Quinapoxet Street:  John and Maureen Lally are seeking to construct an addition in a R-2 zoning district.  This is a single family home with a pre-existing sideyard setback violation.  The
addition will maintain the same setback as the existing house, requiring a variance.  R. Ricker motion no action due to no planning significance.  D. Lindberg seconded.  All in favor.

Newell Road:  Karl Makela, 60 Newell Road, addressed the Board regarding the developers schedule.  He has a complaint that the meeting time improperly started and some of the abutters arrived late and had no input into the schedule.  There are issues with the trees that should be cut down, and would like to see them down in 2006.

P. Harding said the plantings have been done and inspected.  Trees have been marked by the tree warden for removal.  These are requirements in the ‘Newell Road Street Improvements’, planned for Spring 2007.  P. Harding will call Fafard to determine if they are willing to remove the trees earlier then approved.

O. Lies:  Questioned the relocation of the utility poles, and reminded Fafard to grade the mounds of dirt.

Wachusett Woods:  Still proceeding.
Update:  O. Lies updated Board that the House/Senate/Governor signed a final legislature into law regarding expediting permitting.  Discussed zoning by laws.
Rice School:  Possibly January.
Alden Woods:  Will be coming up in December for an application for an extension.
Winter Maintenance:  R. Ricker reminded the Board that it was time to send out the letters.
Master Plan:  The second visionary plan is December 7th at the Senior Center.

NEXT MEETINGS:  November 28, 2006 at 7:30 PM. at the Memorial Town Hall, and December 12, 2006.

R. Ricker motioned to adjourn the Planning Board meeting.  D. Lindberg seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned at 8:40 PM.

November 14, 2006 meeting minutes approved:     January 23, 2007        

Debra A. Sciascia
Recording Secretary