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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
March 28, 2006
Memorial Hall Town Hall

Members Present: R. Bates, R. Ricker, C. Stanovich, O. Lies, C. Prager, W. Ritter, D. Lindberg

Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

PUBLIC HEARING  Continued  Definitive Subdivision Bullard Estates/Casa Builders: P. Harding received a letter from the School Committee but would like Town Counsel to review it. The applicant is asking for a continuance to April 26. C. Stanovich motioned to approve. R. Ricker seconded. W. Ritter abstained. Vote 6-0.

PUBLIC HEARING  Definitive Subdivision Sheffield Way Extension: A broader look at the watershed did not result in a decrease in the detention pond size. Responses to staff comments have been received as well as an Operation and Maintenance plan for the detention facilities. The Board was given the information for review.

The applicant will forward the information regarding ground water levels to DPW for review. The applicant explained the changes that were made as requested per Town Staff.

The fire flow test will be next Tuesday morning, May 2, 2006.

P. Harding added a conservation easement on Lot D in the front of the detention pond behind 27 Sheffield Way. This easement area will not be able to be disturbed.

D. Nason has issues, as stated in his letter to P. Harding March 28, 2006. More detail is needed on looming, seeding, and grading on Sheffield Way. He wants everything clarified with the abutters. Hes also concerned with the drainage calculations, and the buffer at the basin. He wants notations/grading, and basin elevated and shown on the plans.

Public Comments: None.

R. Ricker motioned to close the Public Hearing. W. Ritter seconded. R. Ricker motioned to approve the waiver. D. Lindberg seconded. O. Lies voted against. C. Stanovich abstained. Vote 5-1.

W. Ritter motioned to approve the Definitive Subdivision Sheffield Way Extension, reading the attached conditions into record. R. Ricker seconded and motioned to add condition#37 The applicant must submit an adjusted design to provide for a more definitive flow of the waters in the detention pond to the DPW for approval to commencing construction of the detention pond. All in favor.

PUBLIC HEARING  Definitive Subdivision/Special Permit Wachusett Woods, Holden Heights, LLC: Revised information was received on March 21, 2006. The Town offices were notified the applicant would not met the filing date of March 14 due to unforeseen circumstances. The applicant had been informed that staff may not have enough time to review the information, and hoped to have the review completed by this meeting. Jonathan Finkelstein, attorney for the applicant, and Carl Hultgren, Quinn Engineering, addressed the Board.

Board comments:

·         R. Ricker: Asked if the house locations would be staggered, and was answered yes, just as on the plans.

·         C. Stanovich: No comment.

·         O. Lies: Not pleased with the appearance of the cul-de-sac.

·         C. Prager: Complimented Quinn Engineering regarding their response to the Boards comments.

·         W. Ritter: No comment.

·         D. Lindberg: No comment.

Jonathan Finkelstein requested a continuance to April 11, 2006, the next meeting.

W. Ritter requested examples of the types of housing for the Board to view. P. Harding stated that before the start of the project, the applicant will come before the Board with architectural drawings on styles. Provided D. Nason, DPW, reviews the plans, W. Ritter motioned for a continuance to 4/11/06, with a decision by 4/26/06. R. Ricker seconded. All in favor.

APPROVAL NOT REQUIRED  Reservoir St, Drawbridge: Revised plans have not been received. The ANR is not entitled to endorsement in its current conditions. R. Ricker motioned to deny due to a lot width violation between side yard lot lines of 50. C. Stanovich seconded. Vote 7-0, all in favor. Denied.

Nancy NcGrath, DCR, West Boylston, introduced herself to the Board.

Meeting Minutes:

·         February 28, 2006: R. Ricker motioned to approve. C. Stanovich abstained from the vote. W. Ritter seconded. Vote 6-0, approved.

·         February 7, 2006: R. Ricker motioned to approve. C. Stanovich abstained from the vote. W. Ritter seconded. Vote 6-0, approved.

Other Business:

·         Wagner Meadows: The Board signed the release of covenant for Wagner Meadows.

·         Sunnyside Motors: C. Prager informed the Board that they are just beginning to clear the property. P. Harding will check the date of the site plan, ANR lots, and if there are any By-laws                 relating to burying stumps. R. Ricker stated that there wasnt. D. Lindberg stated that he believes there is a two (2) year limit.

·         Malden St: R. Bates discussed the 5 Blair lots, and the 6 lots on the left that are Goulds.

·         Alden Woods decision: R. Bates requested that the Board look into road design regulations, and address in a future meeting. P. Harding stated that they could address 30 mph road and safety           issues at the first meeting in May.

NEXT MEETINGS: April 11, 2006 at 7:30 PM.

W. Ritter motioned to adjourn the Planning Board meeting. R. Ricker seconded. All in favor.

Adjourned at 8:45 PM.

March 28, 2006 meeting minutes approved: May 23, 2006

Debra A. Sciascia

Recording Secretary