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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
July 18, 2006
Senior Center

Members Present:  R. Bates, R. Ricker, C. Stanovich, O. Lies C. Prager, W. Ritter,
D. Lindberg

Others Present:         Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

DISCUSSION OF ALDEN WOODS SUBDIVISION:  The applicant submitted design plans and three engineering firms for peer review.  Quinn Engineering was contacted and they do not have qualified staff to review and advise on this type of wall.  It was Mr. Quinn’s opinion that a Geotechnical or Structural Engineer would be necessary.  A Scope of Work and Price proposal is being prepared by GZA GeoEnvironmental.  GZA stated that they would take approximately one week to provide an opinion depending on receipt of additional information that was requested.

The revised plans were faxed to the Town July 17th.  Dan Leahy dropped off revised outlet structure plans on July 18th.  George Kiritsy met with the property owners regarding the drain at the bottom of the slope, rip rap, geotextile area, and a grass slope.  D. Nason stated that there was not enough detail on the unstamped plans submitted July 17th.  He met with Blair’s engineer, James Gellick, on June 27th.  C. Blair will look at the proposal.  Drainage calculations are not in yet.  G. Kiritsy stated that the plans submitted today, July 18th do have the drainage calculations.

Public Comments:
Jack & Marie DeCillis, 111 Blair Dr:  They were originally told that it was to be a terraced wall.  They’re still waiting to get the wall done.  They want the wall as far away from the house as possible.  Lots 19 and 23 are really bad also.  R. Bates said that the property owners attorney agreed to a third party review, and Blair has to agree to the price as well as review the plans.  G. Kiritsy said the plans have been sent to the property owner’s attorney, and C. Blair will have an answer by the end of the business day on Thursday, July 20th.

The Board was in agreement that Blair has a choice to either complete the work or the Board will start the revocation process.  R. Ricker motioned that if the deadline of July 20th is not met, a Public Hearing will be advertised to proceed with the revocation.  C. Prager seconded, including the drainage issue.  All in favor, vote 7-0.

Alden Woods will be on the agenda for August 15, 2006 to advertise a Public Hearing if needed.  G. Kiritsy recommended the Board get an opinion on the statutory process from Town Council.

Zhong Xu, 117 Blair Dr:  Asked the Board if his property is included in the third party review, and to remind the Board that the property in the first area is eroding also.  R. Ricker said the swale item #2 is addressed.  P. Harding will amend the definition of the site in the scope of services to include all areas, and have GZA redo their letter.


Variance-Side yard setback, 16 Sheffield Way, Edward Robert Driscoll:  The applicant is seeking five feet of relief from the fifteen foot side yard setback required to construct an above ground pool in an R-2 Zoning District.  R. Ricker motioned for no planning significance.  W. Ritter seconded.  All in favor.

Special Permit, 1355 Main St, Realty Trust:  The applicant is seeking to expand a non-conforming structure and use.  This building currently contains an optometrist office with an apartment on the second floor.  The applicant is proposing to demolish a portion of the rear structure and construct an addition.  The proposed addition is within the required setback, but the existing structure is located within the setback requirement.  This is in a Commercial Zoning district, which does not permit residential uses, and a special permit is also required for the expansion of the apartment.  W. Ritter motioned for no planning significance.  R. Ricker seconded.  All in favor.

MASTER PLAN:  The Master Planning Committee will be giving a brief presentation to the Board of Selectmen at the June 17, 2006, meeting at the Senior Center at 6:35 pm.  The Committee will announce their new name and slogan, Holden Tomorrow, Planning Our Future Together, along with a logo and encouraging residents to visit the booth at Holden Days.  Community Preservation Associates is the consultant for the master plan.  They have done 8 master plans.  All information will be on the web site

C. Prager:  Recommends sending D. Nason, DPW Engineer, a letter of appreciation and best wishes for his future plans.  R. Bates will send the letter.
R. Ricker:  Nothing new regarding Holden Hills Affordable Housing second site plan.
W. Ritter:  Recommends contacting Patricia Davidson on the Blair revocation.

NEXT MEETINGS:  August 15, 2006 at 7:30 PM. at the Senior Center or Light Department.

C. Stanovich motioned to adjourn the Planning Board meeting.  W. Ritter seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned at 8:30 PM.

July 18, 2006 meeting minutes approved: January 9, 2007         

Debra A. Sciascia
Recording Secretary