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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
January 24, 2006
Memorial Hall Town Hall

Members Present: R. Bates, C. Stanovich, R. Ricker, O. Lies, C. Prager, W. Ritter, D. Lindberg

Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

At 7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.


·         September 13, 2005: R. Ricker motioned to approve. D. Lindberg seconded. All in favor.

·         September 27, 2005: C. Prager motioned to approve. W. Ritter motioned to make a change to the Public Hearing minutes. D. Lindberg seconded. R. Ricker and C. Stanovich abstained. Vote 5-0.

·         October 18, 2005: R. Ricker motioned to approve. C. Stanovich seconded. W. Ritter and D. Lindberg abstained. Vote 5-0.

·         November 15, 2005: R. Ricker motioned to approve. C. Prager motioned for a spelling change. D. Lindberg seconded. C. Stanovich abstained. Vote 6-0.

·         December 13, 2005: C. Stanovich motioned to approve. R. Ricker seconded. All in favor.

·         January 10, 2006: R. Ricker motioned to approve. C. Prager seconded. All in favor.


·         Bullard Estates: P. Harding updated the Board regarding the reduction of payment on sewer line reimbursements.

·         High Ridge Rd: Abutters will be notified about an informal meeting.

·         Cloudcroft, Manning St: This will be a 4 lot subdivision.

·         Sheffield Extension: The applicant has submitted a definitive plan.

·         Winterberry Hollow: The Housing Committee meeting will be February 16, 2006.

Board Comments:

·         R. Ricker: No comments.

·         C. Stanovich: No comments.

·         O. Lies: Informed the Board that at the CMRPC meeting, Julie Jacobson was the guest speaker. CMRPC is looking for town support for the Worcester Regional Airport. The Smart Growth meeting will be February 9, 2006. Copies of the CD are available for the Board to view.

·         C. Prager: No comments.

·         W. Ritter: No comments.

·         D. Lindberg: No comments.

At 7:45 PM W. Ritter motioned for a recess until the 8 PM Public Hearing. R. Ricker seconded. All in favor.

8:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING: Wachusett Woods, Holden Heights LLC  Special Permit, Affordable Housing By-Law, Definitive Subdivision. R. Bates read the Public Hearing notice into record. W. Ritter stated that he had previously recused himself from these meetings, due to a conflict of interest regarding a legal matter with the applicants attorney that is no longer.

Jonathan Finkelstein, Attorney for the applicant, Holden Hills LLC, updated the Board, distributing a copy of the Town of Holden Affordable Housing By Laws, and density calculations. The plans were prepared and presented by Carl Holtgren. The presentation included plans for the new pumping station, storm-water, streetlights, and trees. The Board was asked to refer to the applicants list of requested waivers. R. Ricker requested the total amount of impervious area be submitted.

Eric Evy conducted the traffic study presentation. R. Bates asked if the applicant was aware of the Traffic and Circulation Committees recommendations, which they are.

Jonathan Finkelstein explained each type of unit, and the affordability analysis. P. Harding stated that the Town of Holden has its own affordability Deed Rider, that Town Council has reviewed. TCC also wants verification of site distances that are interior to the project to ensure that they do not cross private property. P. Harding updated the Board regarding the pump station, drainage, and the Fire Chiefs comments. D. Nason is in the process of looking at the drainage calculations.

Public Comments:

·         Patricia King, 763 Wachusett St: Asked for an explanation as to exactly where the roadway was coming out, the location of Holden Sand & Gravel, and how this got past the Cohen Bill. The access points were shown to her on an aerial map and she was informed that there will be a filing under the Watershed Protection Act with the Dept. of Conservation and Recreation, and the project it located out of all primary resource areas.

·         Ron Sullivan, 13 River St: Concerned with the buffer zone from the sand and work area, and the school bus pick up/drop off area. The Board requested the applicant look into providing a safe bus stop for the school children both during and after construction.

·         Al Sculthorpe, 354 Highland St: Wanted to know if sidewalks will be continuing down to Nola Dr. approximately ¼ mile.

·         Patricia Ryan, 366 Highland St: Concerned about the size of the lots abutting her property, wetlands, and if any studies were done regarding school capacity. She was informed that there was, in a previous study.

Board Comments:

·         R. Ricker: Asked if all 6 affordable units were going to town residents, and who was going to be responsible for the pump station. D. Nason stated that the homeowners association would be.

·         C. Stanovich: Concerned with the street grades, and would like to know the exact grade at the intersection. D. Nason said the Traffic Circulation Committee was all right with them.

·         O. Lies: Concerned with the street grades entering onto Highland St., the lack of an island in the cul de sac, and sidewalks on only one side of the road.

·         C. Prager: Asked where the driveways for the 2 lots near Highland St. were located, and was told on Snowberry Ln. Discussed driveway slopes, and asked Jonathan Finkelstein for an explanation for Fee for Services and was told that it was the applicants responsibility.

·         W. Ritter: Asked what is going to happen to Parcel A, and was informed that it would go to the Homeowners Association, and regarding Parcel D, the applicant will be talking to the abutters regarding ownership. He also asked if there were any restrictions regarding the prior site plans, which will be provided by the applicant.

·         D. Lindberg: Asked if there were retaining walls on any of the lots. Two lots may need retaining walls, approximately 4-6 high.

·         R. Bates: Since the project is 1.5 miles from David Hill School, the applicant was asked if they were aware of the towns sidewalk fund. The money will go towards extending the sidewalk on Highland St. A bus stop area was recommended for school children.

·         R. Ricker: Stated that proof of satisfactory review for drainage is needed. Time limit for a Special Permit runs out the end of January, and the applicant will need an extension. D. Nason was asked if he could be ready by the end of next week.

The continuance will be February 28, 2006. For every group of 6 houses built, one will be affordable. R. Ricker motioned to continue the Public Hearing to February 28, 2006, and to grant an extension for filing the decision with the Town Clerk to March 14, 2006.

NEXT MEETINGS: February 7, 2006 at 7:30 PM.

R. Ricker motioned to adjourn the Planning Board meeting. C. Stanovich seconded. All in favor.

Adjourned at 9:25 PM.

January 24, 2006 meeting minutes approved: February 7, 2006


Debra A. Sciascia

Recording Secretary