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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
February 7, 2006
Memorial Hall Town Hall

Members Present: R. Bates, R. Ricker, O. Lies, C. Prager, W. Ritter, D. Lindberg

Members Absent: C. Stanovich

Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

PUBLIC HEARING  Continued  Definitive Subdivision Bullard Estates/Casa Builders: The applicant submitted a letter addressed to Katherine Craven from the Mass. School Building Authority, regarding the potential reduction in reimbursement for the sewer line. It was suggested the item be continued for further information. R. Ricker motioned to continue the Public Hearing to February 28, 2006, with a decision on March 14, 2006. O. Lies seconded. W. Ritter abstained. Vote 5-0, all in favor.

PUBLIC HEARING  Continued  Definitive Subdivision Cloudcroft Estates/Chris Bolster: The applicant is in the process of redesigning the detention facilities. A meeting with Town staff was held on January 24, 2006. Discussion included moving the detention pond, which will require less grading of the roadway, narrowing the width of pavement, providing grass swales, dry wells, and eliminating one sidewalk to reduce impervious area. The applicant is asking to continue the Public Hearing to March 14, 2006, and filing the decision with the Town Clerk to March 21, 2006. W. Ritter made a motion to approve the applicants request for a continuance. R. Ricker seconded. All in favor.

Meeting Minutes:

·         January 24, 2006: R. Ricker motioned to approve. D. Lindberg seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.


·         A letter written by Michael Sherman of 149 Wachusett St was distributed to the Board.: Mr. Sherman has been experiencing flooding problems from the outlet spillway of a detention pond from the Alden Woods subdivision. His rear yard also contains an operable septic system. P. Harding informed the Board that Blair met with the Engineer, D. Nason, DPW, and DCR regarding the outlet to the detention pond, which did not work properly. D. Nason informed the Board that three properties were affected by the outlet pipe. The applicant is submitting an applicant to permit the discharge of water onto DCR property to alleviate water from entering abutters property. DCR is unlikely to grant this permit until the subdivision is stabilized. R. Ricker motioned sending Blair and the DCR a formal letter supporting the application with copies to the neighbors. C. Prager seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.

·         Storm Water Management: P. Harding recommended the Board review the By-laws, especially Storm Water Management for the March 14, 2006 meeting

·         Master Plan: The Board asked D. Nason for a list of DPW recommendations. P. Harding informed the Board that the Master Plan Committee meeting will be March 7, 2006, and a consultant has not been hired yet

·         Affordable Housing: To be discussed February 16, 2006.

INFORMAL MEETING  High Ridge Rd: Beckner Construction submitted options for this 5 acre development. 1) 9 town homes with two being designated as affordable under the affordable housing by-law, 2) a five lot subdivision plan,

3) a 40B development. Abutters have been notified. The road design for the subdivision requires the ROW to abut the neighboring property so SCR radius requirements can be met. Kevin Hartimen conducted the presentation.

Public Comments:

·         Rich Marin, 28 High Ridge Rd: Concerned that the town is being ruined with all the subdivisions going on. R. Bates explained the By laws.

·         Janet Fisher, 24 Kris Alan Dr: Asked if the Board was aware of a third plan for a 40B project. She stated that she was not aware of this when selling the property.

·         Tom Runstrom, 29 High Ridge Rd: 1) Wanted to know if this meeting was to get the Planning Boards approval on selecting a plan (no-this is only an informal discussion). 2) Can the neighbors respond (yes-comments). 3) What would be required for a road to go through the property (a special permit). 4) Also has issues regarding traffic from Union lighting, and a stop sign.

·         Yvette Darling, 34 High Ridge Rd: Asked the Board not to approve this plan.

·         Janet Fisher, 24 Kris Alan Dr: Asked for clarification regarding dead end road rules. P. Harding responded that 500 length is required for public safety.

·         Mark Aucoin, 57 High Ridge Rd: Concerned about the home valuations in the High Ridge Rd. area. D. Nason said that the developer should explain the type of housing going in and the market rate. Ted Beckner stated that they would be in the $270,000-$300,000 range, with amenities on the high end, all matching, and maintained by an association. The land has not been purchased yet, however they have made an offer. The time frame would be about 3-6 months.

·         Tom Runstrom, 29 High Ridge Rd: Would like to see a buffer zone, and is concerned with a scorched earth approach to the land. The Board will take a low impact approach to the property.

·         Steven Beaudoin, 116 Nola Dr: Concerned with a cul-de-sac. D. Nason, DPW, explained storm water management.

·         Peter Hill, 20 Parson Rd: Concerns regarding a retention pond and maintenance.

·         Cheryl Marin, 28 High Ridge Rd: Also concerned with a cul-de-sac, and trees.

·         Marie Kumpey, 80 Beechwood Rd: Informed the Board that he wrote the history of Holden, and Swamp Hollow was a bird sanctuary, with a rare woodpecker, and there was a swampy area. He also stated that he has a water problem in his cellar because of a high water table. P. Harding stated that there are no wetlands on this lot.

·         Ester Hill, 291 Highland St: Stated that there is a pond and river on Union St., and an underground brook going to the Quinapoxet River. That is why the land will not perc.

·         Jim Hill, 299 Highland St: Stated that there is a spring that feeds the brook. P. Harding said she did not have enough information about it at this time.

·         Joyce Dolan, High Ridge Rd: Asked the Planning Board to address the water issues, valuation of the homes, sidewalks for school children, and maintenance. The Traffic & Circulation Committee will address the traffic issues. The Public will be receiving notices of future hearings if they received one for this hearing.

·         Rich Marin, 28 High Ridge Rd: Wanted a discussion regarding a cul-de-sac as opposed to a through way.

·         W. Ritter stated that a variance was needed for frontage problems to alleviate a cul-de-sac.

·         Tom Runstrom, 29 High Ridge Rd: Has issues regarding once the plan is approved, if changes could occur.

·         Steven Beaudoin, 166 Nola Dr: Wanted clarification as to how many units per building, how many duplexes, and the total number of homes. They will be 1600-1700 SF each. He was also concerned with parking issues and overflow parking for the condos.

Board Comments:

·         R. Ricker: Informed the public that all their comments will be taken into consideration.

·         O. Lies: No comment.

·         C. Prager: Thanked the public and encourage them to attend the preliminary hearing, and also thanked the builders for coming in for a preliminary meeting and notifying abutters.

·         W. Ritter: No comment.

·         D. Lindberg: No comment.

·         R. Bates: Stated that this is the first time hes seen a developer to go to this length to receive public comment prior to the submission of a formal application.

NEXT MEETINGS: February 28, 2006 at 7:30 PM.

R. Ricker motioned to adjourn the Planning Board meeting. W. Ritter seconded. All in favor.

Adjourned at 9:20 PM.

February 7, 2006 meeting minutes approved: March 28, 2006


Debra A. Sciascia

Recording Secretary