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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
April 25, 2006
Memorial Hall Town Hall

Members Present: R. Bates, C. Stanovich, R. Ricker, O. Lies, C. Prager, D. Lindberg

Members Absent: W. Ritter

Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.


1.       Quinapoxet Woods: Street acceptance has been requested. There are still numerous issues which need to be addressed. One major issue is that a large portion of the sidewalks were constructed outside of the right of way. It is highly unlikely they will be ready for Town meeting. The Board has a letter from DPW for review. R. Ricker motioned for no acceptance. C. Stanovich seconded. Vote 6-0, denied.

2.       Mason Ridge Estates: The deeds were not recorded within the time frame and need to be voted at Town meeting. C. Stanovich recommended street acceptance for Mason Ridge Estates. R. Ricker seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.

3.      Winter Hill Estates: There are a few minor issues which will most likely be ready for Town meeting acceptance. A letter from DPW to Stephen Mirick, Mirick and Daniels, was distributed to the Board for review. No action required.


1.       Variance  20 Putnam Ln, Rick Sampson: There was an error in the placement of a new house on Putnam Lane, and the applicant is seeking relief from 6 of the rear yard setback. The property is located in an R-1 zoning district and a 20 setback applies. The house was placed 19.5. C. Prager motioned for no planning significance. C. Stanovich seconded. All in favor.

2.       Variance  Verizon Main St/Holt Rd, Lot Width: There are two structures on one lot in an R-10 Commercial District. When separating the buildings, the lots have adequate frontage and area but cannot meet the lot width requirement in the R-10 zoning district. The lot width will be deferred to Town Council. C. Stanovich motioned for no planning significance. C. Prager seconded. All in favor.

3.       Special Permit  20 Erins Way/Accessory Apartment, Sean Zenos: The applicant is seeking an accessory in-law apartment located within the new subdivision, Surrey Lane Extension. R. Ricker motioned for no action due to no planning significance. C. Stanovich seconded. All in favor.


1.       Reservoir St  Drawbridge: The applicant is submitting a revised plan that satisfied the lot width requirements. R. Ricker moved to approve as submitted with the corrections. C. Stanovich seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.


·         March 14, 2006: C. Prager motioned to approve the minutes. C. Stanovich seconded. D. Lindberg abstained. Vote 5-0, approved.


·         Sunnyside Motors: The approval was November 2003. The Board discussed when the applicant actually started working on the project.

·         Master Plan: The next Master Plan meeting is May 16, 2006.

·         Verizon Lot: C. Stanovich inquired if it was known what is going in that space.

NEXT MEETINGS: May 9, 2006 at 7:30 PM.

R. Ricker motioned to adjourn the Planning Board meeting. D. Lindberg seconded. All in favor.

Adjourned at 8:00 PM.







April 25, 2006 meeting minutes approved: May 23, 2006

Debra A. Sciascia

Recording Secretary