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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2006
Memorial Hall Town Hall

Members Present: R. Bates, R. Ricker, O. Lies, C. Prager, W. Ritter, D. Lindberg

Members Absent: C. Stanovich

Others Present: Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

PUBLIC HEARING  Continued  Definitive Subdivision Bullard Estates/Casa Builders: W. Ritter recused himself from the meeting and vote. The Letter from the Mass School Building Authority has been forwarded to Town Counsel, who told P. Harding that things look okay to allow the hook up. A written letter with Town Councils opinion is coming.

Janet Olson, 366 Bullard St: Informed the Board that she still plans on having her lot lines surveyed. There is a proposed 20 easement, and shes not sure if she wants an easement on her property. There has not been a formal agreement yet. She asked if the easement could be moved to a different property, and was told that the easement is on this plan, and no tress or shrubbery would be allowed on this easement because the sewer lines and vehicle access cannot be obstructed.

D. Nason stated that there are no sewer fees until the applicant hook-up to the sewer line. R. Ritter moved to close the Public Hearing. C. Prager seconded. Vote 5-0, all in favor. R. Ricker read the General Conditions into record, and motioned for discussion. C. Prager seconded for discussion. C. Prager stated that #12 & #22 should contain time limits. The Board motioned to add 30 days prior to construction on both. O. Lies asked for clarification of the black chain link fence. R. Ricker motioned to amend to include total fencing system. All in favor.

W. Ritter returned to the meeting

PUBLIC HEARING  Preliminary Site Plan Special Permit, High Ridge Road: Beckner Construction has submitted a preliminary plan under the affordable housing By-law for nine units. The applicant has completed a preliminary market analysis as well as a preliminary traffic report. Presentation to the Board was done by Kevin Hardiman, from David Ross Associates. P. Harding stated that Town Departments have reviewed the plan, and the only comments were by the Fire Chief regarding wider roadways.

Public comments:

·         Rick Marin, 28 High Ridge Rd: Would like to see the lower road gated. P. Harding stated that the Fire Chief would be opposed to a gated entrance, but he will be asked to comment.

·         Janet Fisher, 24 Kris Allen Dr: Stated that their driveway is 24 wide. She asked what the rear yard set backs would be. P. Harding said 20, but the Board may change that. The side setback if 15.

·         Tom Runstrom, 29 High Ridge Rd: Asked for definition of green area on the plan.

·         Kay Geoffroy, 68 High Ridge Rd: Concerned with cutting down trees on Fisher and Kris Allen Dr, also concerned with the density and road construction. She was told that this was a condominium project with a private driveway. D. Nason, DPW, stated that this is a low impact development, and that emergency vehicles could actually go off the roadway.

·         Steven Beaudoin, 116 Nola Dr: Concerned with drainage.

·         Rick Marin, 28 High Ridge Rd: Requested the Fire Chief be present at the next meeting, and was told that typically he gives detailed comments.

Board comments:

·         R. Ricker: Stated that this is a low impact plan, and would rather see this as a limited development, privately maintained. He reminded the Public that this is just a preliminary plan.

·         W. Ritter explained what a preliminary plan is.

·         O. Lies: Asked if sidewalks were on the plans, and was told that there were none on this plan. The developer said they would consider putting in sidewalks on both sides of the street.
          D. Nason stated that sidewalks on both sides would be counter-productive. O. Lies wants pedestrian traffic off the road, even if it is a trail system with permeable surface.

·         C. Prager: Asked what the length of the private driveway is, and was told 1,000 feet. Also asked was what is the length of each condo driveway, which is 20 feet.

·         W. Ritter: Asked P. Harding what the Seasons driveway lengths are, and was told about 24. He also asked if it the undisturbed area would permanently be undisturbed. Answer yes.

·         D. Lindberg: Believes this project fits the area, and sidewalks would be impractical.

·         R. Bates: Looking at reducing the cul-de-sac, and is going to keep watch on the natural vegetation in the area. Need DPW comments regarding the cul-de-sac.

R. Ricker motioned to close the Public Hearing. C. Prager seconded. All in favor. R. Ricker motioned to give approval of the preliminary plan with consideration to Public Comments. D. Lindberg seconded. Vote 6-0, all in favor.

PUBLIC HEARING  Definitive Subdivision/Special Permit Wachusett Woods, Holden Heights, LLC: The Conservation Commission has approved this application, but the Town Engineer has minor issues which are addressed conditionally through his letter dated April 7, 2006. The Board was given a preliminary draft of conditions for the special permit and subdivision approvals, and the special permit conditions. The Holden Housing Authority has agreed to take on the role of lottery agent.

Jonathan Finkelstein, attorney, has already met with P. Harding, and D. Nason to review the conditions. P. Harding stated that all information has been reviewed.

Public comments: None

R. Ricker motioned to close the Public Hearing on the special permit. W. Ritter seconded. All in favor. R. Ricker motioned to approve the special permit, subject to discussion. W. Ritter seconded. P. Harding read the changes into record. Jonathan Finkelstein explained the detention pond. Page 4, conditions, #3 sidewalks was added. R. Ricker motioned to amend. All in favor.

R. Ricker motioned to approve the waivers and conditions. P. Harding read the changes into record.

#5: The Board agreed on adding a 36 month mandatory review time. The applicant will also be applying for a variance. The developer agreed to come back in for a 36 month mandatory review. Abutters will be notified.

#14: Roads and sidewalks  the developer will contribute $30,000 to the sidewalk fund if it is found that costs for the construction of the sidewalk exceed $30,000. All in favor.

PUBLIC HEARING  Continued - Definitive Subdivision Cloudcroft Estates: The applicant has submitted revised plans, but the Conservation Commission found the storm-water design unacceptable, and the applicant was given very significant revision requirements. The Board already has the revised plans.

Ben Clark, from HS & T Group represented Chris Bolster, the applicant, conducted a presentation for the Board. The detention pond has been moved.

P. Harding stated that ConCom had concerns with treatment of water discharge into the wetlands from the stormwater system. D. Nason stated that DPW also has concerns.

Public comment:

·         Paul Sjoman, 620 Manning St: Voiced concern with how the tests were conducted back in January. R. Ritter asked P. Sjoman if he is going to grant an easement for the road, to which he said yes.

Board comments:

·         R. Ricker: Liked the changes of the location to the detention basins.

·         O. Lies: Stated that the plan has been improved, and asked about sidewalks. There are sidewalks on the plan on one side of the road.

·         C. Prager: None.

·         W. Ritter: Asked when the issues were going to be resolved. D. Nason stated that they are working on the major issues, the drainage issues, conservation, and the drainage calculations.                   They will have the drainage calculations in two weeks.

·         D. Lindberg: No comment.

·         R. Bates: Likes that they moved the detention pond.

W. Ritter motioned to continue the Public Hearing to May 23rd, with a decision by May 30th. W. Ritter warned the applicant that significant steps needed to be taken to improve the subdivision, which was submitted in October and is unwarranted for a four (4) lot subdivision. So many continuances with such little progress is unfair to abutters and the Board, and he would like to see the plan ready for decision at the next meeting.. R. Ricker seconded. All in favor. A written request is needed from the applicant.


·         ZBA Applications: P. Harding distributed three ZBA applications to the Board for review at the next meeting.

·         Master Plan: P. Harding asked if the Board was still interested in meeting with the Master Plan Committee, and changing the Planning Board meetings to once a month. R. Ricker didnt think             it was a good idea. C. Prager suggested putting D. Lindberg on the agenda once a month to update the Board. P. Harding informed the Board that they are presently working on a contract.

·         Sunnyside Motors: C. Prager asked for a follow up on the date of approval. Also, to add burying stumps etc. on ANR lots.

·         D. Lindberg: Stated that the Jefferson Mills is on hold.

NEXT MEETINGS: April 25, 2006 at 7:30 PM.

W. Ritter motioned to adjourn the Planning Board meeting. R. Ricker seconded. All in favor.

Adjourned at 9:40 PM.

April 11, 2006 meeting minutes approved: May 23, 2006

Debra A. Sciascia

Recording Secretary