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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
January 20, 2010
6:00PM                  Fire Station

Present:        Chairman Chris Lucchesi (arrived 6:10 PM), Rick Bates (left at 6:50 PM), Karl Makela, David White, Peter Liddy, Bob Beck, Dave Ellis, George Sherrill, Jack Chandler

Absent: Mary Ryan, Brian Forts

Others Present: Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates, Kristen Smith, Kaestle Boos Associates, Gary Kaczmarek, Owners On Site Project Manager, Robert Para, Jr., Lamoureaux Pagano Associates, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Others Absent:   Michael McKeon, Kaestle Boos Associates, Mike Pagano, Lamoureux Pagano Associates

Peter Liddy called the meeting to order at 6:05PM.

Public Comment

No one from the public came forward.

Project Management

Gary Kaczmarek provided an update on site work. Plumbing, roofing, and HVAC installation are on going. There are approximately 35-40 contractors on site.

Mr. Kaczmarek reported that Tom Angelo from NSTAR has provided a work order form for signature. Mr. Kaczmarek will follow up on the signature.

Mr. Para reported that good communication exists between the GC/KBA and Mr. Kaczmarek.

Architect's Report

Mr. McAndrew said Howard Systems and WV Engineering were available to meet with committee members on January 27th or January 28th to discuss communications technology. Mr. Beck will schedule the meeting and notify committee members.

New Business

Chairman Lucchesi reported that Town Treasurer/Collector Jean Berg contacted him to inform that it is time to schedule a second borrowing for the project. Ms. Berg would like to complete the borrowing within the next few months in order to roll it in with a borrowing for a fire vehicle. The first borrowing was for 8M. Mr. Lucchesi said it was important for the Committee to discuss and finalize outstanding owner's items. Mr. Para, Mr. Kaczmarek, and Mr. Lucchesi will work on the development of a list of outstanding owner's items for discussion at the February 22nd meeting. Dave White reminded Committee members of their soft commitment to leave 2M of the 15.5M borrowing unspent.

FF&E Update

Ms. Kristin Smith with KBA presented the Committee with a booklet of furniture selections organized room by room. The booklet represents 75% of the furniture chosen by both chiefs. Chairs for the building remain outstanding. Ms. Smith said that the approximate FF&E budget is $200,000. She said that when put out to bid, she anticipates the bid to come in around $185,000. She said that all the furniture selected is uniform in design and consistent throughout both buildings. Ms. Smith noted that laminate furniture was substituted for wood as a cost savings measure. Laminate furniture costs 50% less than solid wood. The specs will go out to bid in February and will be opened at the end of March. Delivery is anticipated for August.

Ms. Smith will email a summary of all furniture choices by grouping, i.e. 100 of this chair, 50 of that chair, 25 of this desk, etc.

Mr. Kaczmarek said that G&R would donate a key cabinet to the project. Ms. Smith said she would remove the key cabinets in the FF&E specs.

KBA to confirm kitchen appliances were included in the bid and are the responsibility of the general contractor.

Dave White commented that he was disappointed in the choice of HON file cabinets. He has not been pleased with their construction/performance in the past. It is important that the furniture purchased for the buildings have longevity and durability.

Mr. White said that he would like to have solid wood furniture in both Chiefs offices and the main conference room. The remainder of the offices can be furnished with laminate furniture.

The Commitee was in agreement with Mr. White's suggestion to install solid wood furniture in the Chief's offices and the main conference room.

Ms. Smith will present finishes/colors at the Committee's second meeting in February. Physical furniture samples will be presented at the first meeting in February.

Technology Update

Howard Systems is fine-tuning the second phase of its proposal to the Town. A Technology Coordination meeting will be held on January 27th with Mr. Beck, representatives from Howard Systems, Town IT staff, Mr. Lucchesi and Mr. Kaczmarek.

Building Materials Discussion

Peter Liddy initiated discussion regarding the durability/longevity of the proposed exterior building materials. After a review of hardy plank and cedar siding materials, Mr. Liddy suggested that the committee consider siding the building with a good quality vinyl siding material.

Mr. Kaczmarek said that pre-primed purchased cedar siding comes with a 15-year warranty. He said that he was not a fan of vinyl siding. He said he would research vinyl options and report back to the committee in February.

Mr. McAndrew with KBA said that his firm uses hardy plank material on other municipal buildings with out any issues. He said he recommended the hardy plank material. Vinyl siding cracks. He said that finish materials have been approved and colors selected that all tie in together. He said it was a critical time in the process to change materials. He added that a trim decision needs to be made for fascia because the roof is being installed.

Mr. White said that he would like to see white PVC fascia/rakes installed because the material moves less.

Motion by Dave White, seconded by Dave Ellis, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO INSTALL PVC TRIM ON THE BUILDING.

The Committee directed KBA and Mr. Kaczmarek to evaluate the number of seams/caulk lines etc for the durability of the building, and to include vinyl shakes as a siding material option.


Motion by Dave White, seconded by Bob Beck, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE JANUARY 20, 2010 MEETING AT 7:56PM.

Approved:       March 17, 2010