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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
April 7, 2010

6:00PM  HMLD

Present:        Chairman Chris Lucchesi, Peter Liddy, Karl Makela, David White, Brian Forts, Dave Ellis,
                George Sherrill, Deputy Fire Chief Alex Belisle

Absent: Bob Beck, Mary Ryan, Jack Chandler,

Others Present: 
                Michael McKeon, Kaestle Boos Associates
                Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates
                Gary Kaczmarek, Owners On Site Project Manager
                Robert Para, Jr. Lamoureux Pagano Associates
                Mike Pagano, Lamoureux Pagano Associates
                Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Chairman Lucchesi called the meeting to order at 6:00PM.

Public Comment

Karen and Gene Halley with the Wachusett Food Pantry informed the Committee that Chief Chandler had given them a tour of the “old” fire station in March.  Ms. Halley expressed interest in space in the basement of the old station to use for the food pantry.  Chairman Lucchesi said that he would convey the friendly and important request to the Town Manager.  However, since it is a Town owned building, it is ultimately the Town Manager’s decision how the building is used once the new PSB is opened.    The Chairman said that he has spoken to Lew Evangelidis about the request.  The Committee will not lose sight of the request.

Existing Fire Station Modifications

Mr. Mike McKeon with KBA presented sketch selections regarding proposed interior/exterior renovations to the existing fire station.  These proposed improvements/upgrades to the building will bring the building up to safety code and architecturally blend the two buildings together. Renovating the building will allow for its productive use for the town for another 30 –50 years.  Highlights of the proposed work include: adding a sprinkler system to the interior of the building, leaving the current garage door and access door, repairing the exposed concrete in the front and rear of the building and painting the concrete to seal it, installing a louver in the rear gable, cutting and installing a new door on the side of the building next to KP’s for extra safety access, enclosing the rear stairwell and removing a wall, demolition and repair of the basement slab, reconfiguring the current bathrooms into handicap accessible bathrooms, and installing a new roof to match the new building.  Mr. McKeon estimated the work as $384,175 for construction costs and $71,000 for owner’s costs for a total of $455,175.

Peter Liddy asked the cost to include window replacement.  Mr. McKeon said he thought that he might be able to save enough money in the bathroom renovations to pay for new windows.  Replacement apparatus doors were not included in the scope of work.

Deputy Chief Belisle said that the windows in the current fire station are the buildings original windows.  He said a sheet of ice forms over the windows in the winter and they are not very energy efficient.

David White said it would be worth refining the preliminary design to proceed to a final design for bid purposes.  Portions of the bid can be completed as small, separate projects that Mr. Kaczmarek can bid out in order to save money.  The roof and sprinkler work should be bid as a unit.

Mr. Ellis suggested painting or even replacing the front door on the building.

Mr. McKeon said that the scope of work did not include HVAC.

The Committee directed KBA to continue refining the design work and to package the roof/sprinkler system together as a separate bid.

Architect’s Report

Mr. McAndrew reviewed Architect’s Report dated April 4, 2010.

Mr. McAndrew presented COP’s for approval: COP 017-01, 053-01, 055-01, and 060-01.

Motion by Dave White, seconded by Brian Forts, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO APPROVE COP 017-01, 053-01, 055-01, AND 060-01 NOT TO EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AMOUNT.

KBA recommended the approval of GC Application for Payment No. 11 in the amount of $548,403.35.

Mr. Kaczmarek said he spoke with Town Counsel Steve Madaus regarding legal review/approval of FF&E.
Mr. Madaus said the work looks good and will finish the review soon.  The Chairman will speak to the staff in the Town Manager’s offices to plan to run an ad, and book a room for the FF&E bid opening.

Mr. McAndrew said that WV Engineering responded to the LED lighting upgrade request.  Converting to LED lights will increase costs by $15K-$20K.

Mr. McAndrew and Mr. Lucchesi have both spoken to Everett Howard with Howard Systems regarding a credit from the Town for running wiring for a phone system in the building.  

Project Management

Mr. Kaczmarek provided a facility update through 4/7/10.  The boulder wall is being completed, installation of bullet proof wall board and taping of seams throughout building continues, brick veneer of exterior continues, electrical work continues throughout building, interior painting is occurring on the main level, and installation of ACT acoustic ceiling grid in the basement is progressing.  KBA is generating a letter regarding split faced block issues.

Mr. Para said that there are seven items being done by the CG under protest.  The estimated cost of these items are $60K-$70K.  

Mr. Para asked the Committee to confirm a work schedule with Howard Systems.

Mr. Para said the WORAD estimate has not arrived and it was due a month ago.  Mr. Kaczmarek to email WORAD.

Mr. Kaczmarek spoke with Town Engineer Jim Zingarelli regarding traffic signals.  Mr. Zingarelli said that Mass Highway is progressing.  Mr. Kaczmarek said that he still does not have a complete set of drawings from Conley.  However, Mr. Kaczmarek said he would work out where conduit goes if Conley does not deliver.

Mr. Para said that there would be a Commissioning meeting next month.  Commissioning of building will start full time in June.  Mr. Para recommended the Committee assign a designated committee member to sit in on all Commissioning meetings.

David White discussed the mechanical systems being installed in the building.  He suggested that the Town should buy an extended warranty on mechanical systems, and/or buy a “first year of service” plan from the installing contractors.  He said that the new technologies being installed in the building are uncharted waters for the town: The Police and Fire Departments will leave their antiquated buildings to buildings with technology that is so new no one knows how to maintain it.

Mr. Pagano said it would be helpful to have a summary of warranties for the buildings.

Mr. McAndrew said KBA would provide a summary of the warranties for the Committee to review.

Peter Liddy suggested that the Committee run the mechanical warranties by the Commissioning Agent to receive input/feedback.

Chief Sherrill commented that the Police and Fire budgets would be responsible for the maintenance of the new building.  He said it would be important to have someone run and maintain these sophisticated systems.  

Mr. White said a new category had been created in the Town Budget: Maintenance of Public Safety Building.  Mr. White said he had suggested to the BOS and Finance Committee that the Town staff a maintenance person 5 hours a day to clean the building.  Additionally he recommended that the Town employ a mechanical engineer on a weekly basis to service the mechanical operating systems and periodic routine maintenance.  He said it would be important for the Chiefs and Town staff to learn how to operate the building during the extended warranty transition and “shake out the bugs of the systems.”

Chairman’s Comments

Chairman Lucchesi said that a second Communications and Technology meeting was held 4/7/10.  The C&T group reviewed the results of the technology questionnaire and compiled results from all department heads in town.

The Chairman said there are six manufactures on the state bid list that the group is interested in evaluating the “functionality” of their phone systems.  Howard Systems will develop a one-page document outlining the requirements and contact each manufacturer to seek a solution.  Based on that information, each interested party will come in to “sell” their product to the C&T group.  Once the vendors have been reduced, they will make a presentation to the Committee.

Chairman Lucchesi said the group is working its final decision back wards from July 2010 to allow for delivery and installation to work out kinks in August and September.  The Town and Chairman Lucchesi have agreed that the PSB will become the telecommunications hub for the whole town.  While it will increase the cost of the whole system, it will allow the town to expand the telecommunications services to its municipal buildings.  The hub must expand/upgrade to allow for this to happen.   The PSB will not purchase the phone system for town.  The Town might have its funding and be able to purchase their phone system at the same time.  

New Business

Chief Sherrill said that the Town was going out to bid on computers, printers, and copiers.  He has given the list to Steve Gross.


Motion by David White, seconded by Brian Forts, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE APRIL 7, 2010 MEETING AT 7:33PM.