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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
October 7, 2009

6:30PM                  Engineering Office/Jefferson Plaza

Present:        Chairman Chris Lucchesi, Karl Makela, David Ellis, Peter Liddy, David White, Mary Ryan, Rick Bates (left 7:14PM), Bob Beck (arrived 6:47PM), Jack Chandler, George Sherrill

Absent: Brian Forts

Others Present: Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates, Kristen Smith, Kaestle Boos Associates, Gary Kaczmarek, Clerk of the Works, Robert Para, Jr. Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Others Absent:  Michael McKeon, Kaestle Boos Associates, Todd Costa, Kaestle Boos Associates, Mike Pagano, Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Wayne Whippie, WV Engineering, Bob Morrell, G&R Construction, Jason Goodwin, G&R Construction

The Committee conducted a building site tour from 6PM-6:30PM.

Public Comment

No one from the public came forward.

Architect's Report

Mr. McAndrew reviewed PR004 - upcharge for KBA change to PVC trim. KBA changed the trim specs from composite material to PVC trim due to difficulty working with composite material on other building projects. Mr. McAndrew reported that the contractor says labor costs to install will be higher due to the extended size of the trim. The larger sized trim will require extra manpower and a lift. Several members suggested cutting trim lengths in order to reduce the size/handling. Mr. Kaczmarek said that the less joints/cuts to the trim the better.

Bob Beck arrived at 6:47PM.

Peter Liddy will forward to Mr. McAndrew an example of a screw to fasten the PVC trim to the building.

KBA reported it was still waiting to credit details to the elevator change from contractor. Contractor has proceeded with elevator building plans without final elevator. Mr. Kaczmarek said that the only change to the elevator pad would be to fill in some of the depth from 5 ft to 4 ft with gravel.

PR 005 upgrade to electric panel is still being negotiated between Mr. Kaczmarek and the contractor.

Mr. McAndrew reported that the elevator installation would require additional steel and concrete pads in the attic.


FF & E Discussion

Chairman Lucchessi introduced Kristen Smith with KBA to the Committee. Ms. Smith explained that she has previous experience working with municipal construction projects and purchasing off the state contract list. She said that based on the current economy, it might be feasible to bid out the projects furniture needs, and receive better pricing. It is a highly competitive marketplace. Purchasing off the state list would allow the committee to choose a vendor that has the best delivery schedule or a vendor that the town has good relationship. There is negotiation room with the vendors on the state contract list. Ms. Smith said it would be important for the Committee to decide very soon which way it wants to proceed: state contract list or bidding the project out.

The process would be to evaluate furniture requirements "room by room" make choices from pictures/samples. The Chiefs and Committee members would be encouraged to go out and "kick the tires" Specifications would then be drawn up and go out to bid.

The Chairman cautioned that the purchasing process should not "onsie-twosie" - furniture choices should match - purchase all the same chairs or tables for the building. Joint decisions need to be made by the Chief's in order to streamline the look of the building and the buying process.

Ms. Smith said that furniture should be ordered by April 2010 for delivery for the fall of 2010. KBA will begin the inventory phase at the end of October 2009.

Rick Bates left the meeting at 7:14PM.

Ms. Smith said she would make proposed suggestions for furniture to coordinate with the selected color schemes.

Dave White commented that the project would receive a better price if the project goes out in a bid package. Put high quality new furniture in the high quality new building and do not place furniture from 1973 in the new building. The Committee will have the right to reject any bids that are unacceptable and seek another vending source.

The Committee was in agreement to pursue FF&E purchases through a bid process.

The Chairman said that additional services at additional fees would be required during the bid process through KBA. Products can be purchased from MASSCOR without a bid process.

Project Management

Mr. Para reviewed Building Committee Report #16.

Fire Alerting System - Arranging a tour to visit Franklin Street station and its existing system has been unsuccessful to date. Mr. Para said he would schedule Steve with WoRad to come and give a demo at the November 4, 2009 meeting. This system is similar to the one installed in the Franklin Street station. Mr. Para said that it is important to understand what the electrical interface will be so that conduit can be installed prior to steel going up.

Dave White said that Committee has yet to decide whether to install a system - where is the money coming from? What is the budget and what will committee get for the money.

Chairman Lucchessi said he wants the Committee to demo all the options before making a decision whether to purchase an alarm alerting system.

Mass Highway Worcester rep has been on-site and preliminarily approved the early warning signal request and the free action button. Mass Highway will maintain the traffic lights.

Chairman Lucchessi said he would like Committee final approval on any specs prior to Mass Highway sending any requests to Boston.

Upper cabinetry/display cabinet millwork discussion to be scheduled for the November 4th meeting. KBA to present recommendation(s) at that meeting. Mr. McAndrew said that in order to match the rest of the millwork in the building, the Committee should use same millwork vendor.

Telephone Communications Update

Chairman Lucchessi said that the Town has been evaluating phone systems to install at its offices.

Bob Beck has been researching incident requirements and phone systems and their ability to interface with each other. Mr. Beck suggests the formation of a small team to help implement the PSB's phone system with a town-wide system.

Town's consultant has a bid for the town that is adequate. Mr. Beck said his contention is that the PSB needs a broader system in order to integrate the phone system with the data system. This is a capability that the current fire and police departments do not have. Mr. Beck reported he has asked the Town's consultant to hold on this purchase as it will ultimately be better to purchase both hardware and software from the same vendor. Mr. Beck is currently working with Bob Murray from the police department to write a specification for the PSB.

The Chairman will set up a meeting to include the Town's consultant, Mr. Beck, Assistant Town Manager Jacquie Kelly, Bob Murray and himself to discuss the status of the communications project.

New Business

Next meeting October 21.

Dave White suggested that the Committee look into providing a facelift to the back of the old fire station at the end of the project. The Committee agreed that this was an issue and agreed to discuss treatment options at a later meeting.

Mr. White inquired if Chief Sherrill had considered installing an impound area on the property? There could be potential to collect revenue for impounded cars. Chief Sherrill said he would investigate the regulations regarding the installation of an impound area.


Mr. Makela presented invoices for Committee member's signatures.


Motion by Dave White, seconded by Mary Ryan, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE OCTOBER 7, 2009 MEETING AT 8:30PM.