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Town of Holden
Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
January 7, 2009

6PM             HMLD

Present:        Chairman Chris Lucchesi, Karl Makela, Richard Bates, Robert Beck, Brian Forts, David Ellis, David White, Mary Ryan, Peter Liddy, Jack Chandler, George Sherrill

Others Present: Paul McAndrew, Kaestle Boos Associates, Gary Kaczmarek, Clerk of the Works, Mike Pagano, Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Robert Para, Jr. Lamoureux Pagano Associates, Elizabeth Helder, Recording Secretary

Others Absent:  Michael McKeon, Kaestle Boos Associates, Todd Costa, Kaestle Boos Associates, Corrine Sienna, Kaestle Boos Associates, Ken Costello, Kaestle Boos Associates

The Chairman called the meeting to order at 6:00PM.

Public Comment

No one from the public addressed the Committee.

Pre-Qualification Update

David White said reference checks are on-going.

Architect's Report

Paul McAndrew, KBA, presented the Architect's Report.

The Committee held a discussion regarding Proprietary Items that require resolution.

Mr. McAndrew stated that KBA recommended that the Committee use Barrier-1 One during the construction process. Barrier-1 is added to concrete and prevents water from penetrating the base concrete slab. It is used in conjunction with the polymer vapor barrier that is also added to the concrete slab.

Mr. Pagano said he would conduct additional research on the Barrier One product.

Committee members inquired about the additional cost. Mr. McAndrew said that the cost had been included in the budget, but was unable to provide a direct cost. Mr. Beck said he was interested in comparable products at lower cost and was not interested in making Barrier-1 a proprietary item.

Motion by Dave White, seconded by Brian Forts, it was VOTED 8-1 WITH 1 OPPOSED TO INCLUDE BARRIER ONE AS A PROPRIETARY ITEM TO THE PROJECT. (Opposed: Beck)

The Committee discussed including a CO exhaust recovery system called Plymo-Vent as a Proprietary Item. Mr. McAndrew said that this item could be put in as a change order, or installed as an aftermarket item, but that it was the recommendation of KBA that this item be left out of the bid.

Chief Chandler said that the plan was to re-use some parts of the existing Plymo-Vent system in the current station in the new station.


A letter from the Chair outlining the affirmative vote will be forwarded to KBA for authority purposes.

A discussion regarding the proposed HVAC controls was held. David White said it was important that a "back-net" compatible system is used for the building controls system. A "back-net" compatible system will ensure that a multitude of vendors would be able repair/interface with the system. Specifications should read that the controls are "back-net" compatible.

David White inquired why the geothermal system is being installed with only 2 20-ton units. He inquired why 4 10-ton units were not being installed? If one 20-ton unit fails, then the system can only operate on half its power. He suggested that it was better to spread the tonnage out. Mr. McAndrew said he would discuss the issue with WV to get an explanation for the 2 20-ton unit choice and forward an answer to the Chair. Mr. Pagano concurred with Mr. White's concern and suggested that cost might have dictated this decision.

After some discussion, the Committee was in agreement that it would be too expensive to wire two generators into the building, instead of the proposed one unit.

Any further questions will be forwarded to Mr. McAndrew.

A schedule for the Fixture Book is being prepared by KBA to help the Committee disseminate the Book.

An update from Mass Highway was discussed. Mr. McAndrew said that the Traffic Engineering Consultant has answered 12 questions for Mass Highway. However, questions regarding the road opening and signalization remain outstanding. Graves Engineering and the Traffic Engineering Consultant are working to provide answers.

Mr. McAndrew updated the Commission on the progress of determining how much unsuitable soil is on the property. Two deep trenches were dug during the last week in December. It was determined that 3,000 cu/yards of unsuitable fill will need to be removed, down from the original estimate of 6,000 cu/yards. However, a significant amount of boulders were discovered. The Geo-Pier system will no longer be a valid option due to the amount of boulders discovered. Instead, a Soldier Piling method will be used. Some fill will be reusable on site.

Mr. Pagano with LPA said he wanted to make sure that KBA now has enough soil information to proceed with a determination by the Structural Engineering to make a final decision.

Mr. Kaczmarek said that he would need accurate calculations/graphs/limits from KBA in order to direct the excavation contractor. Mr. Kaczmarek requested the profile/method that Mr. Welti used to make these calculations and decisions.

A Cost Summary Sheet Review, as prepared by Daedalus the cost estimator, was discussed. The new estimated construction cost is $12,055,791. However, the electrical component of the estimate is not complete. KBA to forward a new Estimated Construction Cost-Total that includes the electrical portion to the Committee via email. This Cost Summary Sheet Review document does not include the costs for the geothermal or the boiler replacement.

The add-alternate cost estimate for the radiant heat at the apparatus bay decreased from $90,000 to $26,505. Mr. McAndrew said that is because the sq. footage for the apron decreased from 4800 sq. ft. to 1500 sq. ft. This includes 20 feet of heated apron in front of the bay doors. Increased drainage should be factored into this area for safety reasons.

Discussion was held between KBA and Growth Management Director Dennis Lipka regarding turning the new building into an A-3 use group. This new designation will eliminate the need for additional fire suppression materials. Mr. McAndrew will return to the committee with additional cost savings at a future meeting.

LPA inquired if an acoustical decking system would be installed in the vaulted ceiling of the apparatus bay? KBA will confirm.

Project Management Report and Update

Mr. Para reviewed a schedule/summary of Open Issues with the Committee.

Drilling company Skillings is expected to begin geothermal drilling on 1/8/09. A Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing contractor will be on site when necessary. The Board of Health received the UIC Number from the DEP.

Well and boiler people have the notice to proceed.

LPA has turned over review of drawings and specifications to KBA. Will meet on 1/23 for further review.

Mike Pagano performed the Constructibility Review. Overall picture on the status of the project: At this stage, drawings printed on 12/5 are well advanced and will give contractors clear specifications. Mr. Pagano expressed concern with building/wall sections that are still preliminary; specification questions are being addressed by KBA. Favorable review to date and LPA will continue monitoring the final 8-weeks of CD review. The Commissioning Agent has also been reviewing all the documents to date.

Mr. Kaczmarek said that he had nothing to report.

Mr. Para said that testing and requirement specifications need to be finalized so that Mr. Kaczmarek can proceed.

The Committee expressed its appreciation to LPA and KBA for the coordination efforts regarding all of the early components of the project.

Comments from the Chairman

Chief Sherrill presented an article on geothermal use in New York City.

Chief Sherrill informed the Committee that the State 911 system has released $26,000 for new communications equipment to the Town of Holden. The Committee discussed whether the State would approve the Committee purchasing equipment for the new building right now. The Committee discussed using the $26,000 to purchase two Wright-Line consoles. State 911-money provided next year will be used to purchase the remaining two consoles. The 911-money must be spent by 6/30/09. The consoles will be stored. It was determined that Motorola has provided specifications and that the risk in pre-purchasing the console is minimal. The Committee directed Chief Sherrill to proceed with the purchase plan.

New Business

Future Meetings: January 21, 2009

Treasury Business

Mr. Makela presented bills for signature and payment.

Public Comment

No one came forward to address the Committee.


Motion by David White, seconded by Brian Forts, it was UNANIMOUSLY VOTED TO ADJOURN THE JANUARY 7, 2009 MEETING AT 7:50PM.