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Town of Holden, MA

Public Safety Building Committee
Meeting Minutes
August 5, 2009

6:00PM          Holden Light Department

Present:        Mary Ryan,  Bob Beck, Pete Liddy, David Ellis, Gary Kaczmarek, Rob Para, Paul McAndrews, Chief Chandler, Chief Sherrill, Karl Makela arrived at 6:05 pm and made a quorum. David White arrived at 6:35 as meeting was adjourned.

Others Present: Mike Joslyn, Tim Regele, Jonathan Phelps

  • Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM.

  • Approval of previous meeting minutes:
There was no quorum to ----- no votes to be taken.
At 6:05 PM Karl Makala arrived making a quorum.

  • Public Comment:
No public comments.

  • Comments from the Chair:
  • General Discussion:
  • Paul McAndrew reviewed his August 5th report.
The FFE should be done later in the project.
Rob Para mentioned the FFE needs to begin for budget purposes.
A task list needs to be established by September with equipment and responsibilities.
Rob Para also discussed the review of Report # 14 and schedules, as well as the budget and application. The shoring is in process and the foundations are in process. Contractors or doing a great job overall.
Need input from the town (Brian Bullock and Jim Shuris) on the traffic light issue.
  • Steve Gross should be invited to the September 2nd meeting to discuss phone issues.
David Ellis
  • Had questions on core material. Stated that we really have not hit the questionable area and doesn’t feel we will find as much as expected.
Karl Makala
  • All bills have been signed and approved.

  • New Business:
  • Chief Sherrill submitted phase II E911 grant for dispatch furniture. HPD has asked Woodmeister to build the podium.
  • The PSBC meetings have been scheduled to go to back to two meetings per month.
  • Public Comment:
No public comment.

  • Adjournment:
 The meeting adjourned at 6:35 PM.